If you are passionate about programs about entrepreneurship, know that Netflix has just launched a new option on the streaming platform. In that sense, the reality show Ideas for Sale, hosted by Eliana, has businesswoman and writer Luana Génot as a regular judge. In addition, each episode will have a theme and four entrepreneurs will compete for the final prize of R$ 200,000.
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The first season of the series has six episodes. In them, Génot shares the jury bench with Luisa Mell, Mariana Rios, Enzo Celulari, Camila Coutinho, Leo Picon and Carole Crema, who are influential names in the field of Brazilian entrepreneurship.
In addition, the choice of the winner is up to the public, and at each stage, an entrepreneur is eliminated after the dynamic which aims to present the ideas to the spectator and then make him choose the best, in his view, among the four.
“Reality is a great showcase, because selling the project is circumstantial. The product can be amazing, but the person can get nervous and not bring all the information to sell to the public. Even so, whoever is at home watching may be interested and become a buyer, investor, partner”, says Génot.
With a degree in Advertising and a master's degree in ethnic-racial relations, Luana Génot founded and is executive director of Instituto Identidades do Brasil, a non-profit organization that seeks to promote equality racial.
For the businesswoman, her professional journey provided the necessary knowledge to occupy the permanent judging chair of the program. “Starting from scratch, without being an heiress, without having capital. I went through several questions, evaluation boards. In a very solitary way, I went through several stages of what it means to be an entrepreneur as a black woman and that gave me the framework that allows me to evaluate and learn along with them, ”she says.
Génot also says that his evaluation criterion during filming was the narrative of the participants. In addition to the product presented to the public, what aroused their interest was how they told their stories. “It was the input to believe or not in the idea. Knowing what motivated her to invest in that, the time she dedicated for the idea to grow and germinate”, highlighted the judge.
Furthermore, she hopes that the trajectories of the 24 candidates for “Ideias à Venda” and the experiences exchanged between entrepreneurs and guest judges can inspire viewers to undertake in a planned and assertive. “I hope they look more at their essences and reflect on which business models are possible to put ideas up for sale”, she concludes.