Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses the past tense perfect. Let's analyze the verbs that express facts concluded in the text about the Viscount of Cairu? So, answer the questions proposed below!
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Portuguese activity - Past perfect - 9th year - PDF
Portuguese Activity: Past Perfect - 9th grade - With answers
José Maria da Silva Lisboa, better known as Visconde de Cairu, _______ a great supporter of the opening of Brazilian ports to trade. Born on July 16, 1756, in Salvador (BA), Lisbon worked as a politician, lawyer and publicist and, in 1801, published the book in Portugal
Available in:. Accessed on: July 16, 2020.
Question 1 - Complete the period below with the verb "to be" in the past perfect tense:
“José Maria da Silva Lisboa, better known as Visconde de Cairu, _______ a great supporter of the opening of Brazilian ports to trade.”
Question 2 - The expression "in "1801" modifies the meaning of the verb in the past perfect tense:
( ) "acted".
( ) “published”.
( ) none of the above.
Question 3 - In the fragment below, there is a verb in the past perfect tense. Underline it:
“[…] the Viscount presented him with the advantages that the country would have with the opening of ports […]”
Question 4 – In the passage “[…] authorized trade between Brazil and other countries.”, the verb in the past tense refers to the subject:
( ) “Don João VI”.
( ) “the Viscount”.
( ) “the Royal Charter of January 24, 1808”.
Question 5 - In the prayer “Lisbon died in 1835 […]”, the verb in the past perfect tense is:
( ) intransitive.
( ) direct transitive.
( ) indirect transitive.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.