Portuguese activity, focused on ninth grade students, about demonstrative pronouns. Are we going to study this type of pronoun? To do this, answer the questions that refer to the text. Dirt everywhere!
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When we walk along the streets or stop in traffic, it is very common to see a lot of dark smoke coming from motorcycles, cars, buses and trucks. What flows through the vehicle exhaust is a form of pollution. Every day, vehicles, factories and even wood-burning ovens in pizzerias throw a lot of dirt into the atmosphere, and thus contaminate the air around the world.
This is a problem because human beings and the Planet need clean air to live. Taciana Toledo, a professor at the Sanitary and Environmental Engineering department at UFMG, explains that air is made up of several substances. And we can consider as pollution anything different that we throw into the atmosphere, such as gases or particles […]
[…] And, in addition to being bad for our health, all ________ dirt changes the climate and affects all life here on Earth.
Luiza Lages. “MINAS DO SCIENCE” magazine. (Special 2020), p.53. (Fragment with cuts and adaptation). Available in: .
Question 1 - Identify the excerpt that contains a demonstrative pronoun:
( ) “[…] it is very common to see a bit of dark smoke coming out of motorcycles […]”
( ) "What flows through the exhaust of vehicles is a form of pollution."
( ) “[…] anything different that we throw into the atmosphere, such as gases or particles […]”
Question 2 - The demonstrative pronoun, present in the excerpt identified above, is:
( ) invariable.
( ) variable in gender.
( ) variable in number.
Question 3 - Highlight the demonstrative pronoun that makes up this segment of the text:
"This is a problem because humans and the Planet need clean air to live."
Question 4 – The demonstrative pronoun highlighted above:
( ) retrieves information.
( ) announces information.
( ) complements information.
Question 5 - Should the space be filled with the demonstrative pronoun “esta” or “essa”?
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.