the quest for life alien it is one of the most fascinating and intriguing subjects in astrobiology and astronomy. While there is still no direct evidence of extraterrestrial life, the possibility of their existence has been the subject of speculation and study for decades.
For some time now, the media has gone wild over the possibility of discovering life on Venus. The possibility was raised after an apparent detection of phosphine in clouds on Venus. Phosphine is a colorless, highly flammable and toxic gas composed of phosphorus and hydrogen atoms, whose chemical formula is PH3.
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Phosphine is produced naturally by some bacteria and is toxic to many organisms. The detection of phosphine on Venus is significant because its presence could indicate the existence of microbial life in the planet's clouds. However, after the announcement, the hypothesis was rejected.
The discovery of extraterrestrial life is not necessarily of aliens in spacecraft, but of small beings possibly simple microscopic ones that, although they need a special environment, are content with a little less than the humans.
Sara Walker, an astrobiologist and deputy director of the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science at Arizona State University, said that life is much more complex than gravitation.
“It may be that any theory we discover to explain life might similarly have a basis counterintuitive and lead to even more revolutionary ideas about how our universe works.” astrobiologist.
A life on Earth it does not come from a single place on a single evolutionary line, but can converge from different sources on different evolutionary lines. For example, in the early days of life, bacteria formed a symbiotic relationship with cells. This relationship became so important that the bacteria became an organelle present in eukaryotic cells: the mitochondria.
Chris Kempes told the portal that the underlying materials of life, or the planetary conditions that give rise to it, can be quite diverse.
”But the shared properties of life at the level of principles can be highly conserved throughout the universe. Life converges at the level of principles”, adds Kempes.
We are still far from finding any rules that actually make this recipe an easily found pattern. Potentially habitable sites were found, but life was never found in them.
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