Several studies point out that stimulating our brain through reading, reflections, games and challenges ensures quality maintenance for our mental health. That's why we've brought you one of the new successful tests on social networks that is drawing attention precisely because it demands logical reasoning and cleverness.
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In this case, we are referring to a challenge that asks you to find the alien that is hidden in this illustration of woodcutters in the woods. The problem is that you will have to solve the question in just seven seconds. It seems difficult?
First of all, it must be said that the alien is not behind the figures representing the trees or the contours in general. In fact, you'll need to think a little harder, as we assume the alien is one of the men in the illustration, therefore, the game is won by the one who manages to recognize the details about the character who is not even remotely human.
Thus, the secret is to carefully observe each of the traits of men. There are four different individuals in the illustration, but they are all lumberjacks at their trade in felling trees.
At first glance, it may be that we would never imagine that there is something more between them under such faithful disguise; however, with a little more attention, you can quickly notice that one of them behaves in a strange way. Especially compared to the others. It is precisely in this detail that we can solve the riddle.
By alien we understand an extraterrestrial being that does not share with us, human beings, physical, biological and cultural characteristics. In this game, he is a creature from another planet who doesn't fit us in reasoning and in our behavior. Given this, it is certainly easy to come to the conclusion that the character we are looking for is the one on the left, as he holds the ax backwards.
This certainly suggests there's a failed attempt there to look like everyone else, but the details give it away. Did you see how this test gives you a brief idea of how your logical reasoning and your ability to interpret are? After all, anyone who can recognize discrepant behavior in seven seconds is certainly very attentive.