The calendar of payments to retirees and pensioners for the month of July was launched by the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). The order of the schedule was carried out according to the final number of the benefit card, disregarding the check digit, that is, the one that comes right after the dash. In this sense, check out this article for more details about the July INSS payment.
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More than 36 million people in Brazil are entitled to INSS benefits. Approximately 60% of policyholders receive the national minimum (R$ 1,212). The most recent update had a readjustment of 10.16% for those receiving compensation above the minimum wage, with the INSS ceiling rising from R$ 6,433.57 to R$ 7,087.22.
Check the payment schedule:
Final with 6 will receive on July 1st
Final with 7 will receive on July 4th
Final with 8 will receive on July 5th
Final with 9 will receive on July 6th
End with 0 will receive on July 07
The insured person can access the Meu INSS website or application, which contains several digital services provided by the insurer, to consult the benefit. To find out how much you will receive, just select the “Payment statement” option.
Another verification method is by calling 135 from the call center. When contacting the extension, the insured must provide the CPF number and validate some registration data.