![Text Interpretation: Guimarães Rosa](/f/e21ab1194daa0428d27d48cfeefe4507.png?width=100&height=100)
THE Brazil test and the National Basic Education Assessment System (Saeb) are large-scale diagnostic assessments developed by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep/MEC). They aim to assess the quality of education offered by the Brazilian educational system based on standardized tests and socioeconomic questionnaires.
In the tests given in the fourth and eighth grades (fifth and ninth years) of elementary school and in the third grade of high school, the students answer items (questions) in Portuguese, with a focus on reading, and mathematics, with a focus on solving problems. problems. In the socioeconomic questionnaire, students provide information about contextual factors that may be associated with performance.
Teachers and directors of the evaluated classes and schools also respond to questionnaires that collect demographic, professional profile and working conditions data.
Based on information from Saeb and Prova Brasil, the MEC and the state and municipal secretariats of Education can define actions aimed at improving the quality of education in the country and reducing existing inequalities, promoting, for example, the correction of identified distortions and weaknesses and directing its technical and financial resources to areas identified as priority.
The performance averages in these evaluations also subsidize the calculation of the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb), along with the approval rates in these spheres.
In addition, the data is also available to society as a whole, which, based on the results, can monitor the policies implemented by the different spheres of government. In the case of Prova Brasil, the specific performance of urban public schools in the country can still be observed.
The data from these assessments are comparable over time, that is, it is possible to monitor the evolution of the performance of schools, networks and the system as a whole. In 2011, rural elementary schools with more than 20 students in the grades assessed will also take the Prova Brasil
I'm including some downloadable files below:
Sample questions: 5th year of elementary school
– Portuguese language
– Math
Sample questions: 9th grade of elementary school
– Portuguese language
– Math
Sample questions: 3rd grade of high school
– Portuguese language
– Math
Performance scale: Elementary School
– Portuguese language
– Math
Performance Scale: High School
– Portuguese language
– Math
Reference Matrices
– Brazil and Saeb test: Portuguese language
– Brail and Saeb test: Math
– Ordinance No. 89, of May 25, 2005;
– Ordinance No. 69, of May 4, 2005;
– Ordinance No. 47, of May 2007;
– Ordinance No. 931, of March 21, 2005.
Saeb results by UF 1995 – 2005
Basic Education Development Index (Ideb): Intermediate goals for its trajectory in Brazil, states and municipalities and schools.
– proof Brazil
– Saeb
– 9th year model exam
– 5th year model exam
– Grade Portuguese Language 5th year
– Grade Portuguese Language 9th Grade
– Mathematical Template 5th grade
– Mathematical Template 9th grade