The pension for death is a benefit given to some families who lost their loved ones and who contributed to the pension. To receive the aid, there are some rules and the beneficiary needs to be within a select group:
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To apply for the pension, the beneficiary has 90 days, and the benefit will be paid from the date of the administrative application. In cases of child support under the age of 16, the term increases to 180 days.
If the deadline is exceeded, the beneficiary can still apply for the benefit, but it will only be paid from the application date.
To request it is easy, you need to enter the website, enter the password or make a new registration; on the home screen, search for “Pensão” and then click on “Pensão por morte urban” or “Pensão por morte rural”.
Afterwards, just update the registration data, click on next and fill in the information, attaching the necessary documents, which are:
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