Portuguese assessment for third year high school students on syntax. It is a very demanding activity that demands from the student the knowledge of the subject, the transitivity of the verb, the word “if” and the particularity of the verb “haver”. Good job, teacher! 😉
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The TV news starts. On the back side of the bench, two anchors, usually a man and a woman. They dress well, their hair is immaculate. The makeup, in both, hides any wrinkles or imperfections. Set up scenario: such production gives supposed credibility. They say that showy people stand out in an environment. 21st century television confirms this.
The starched profile of TV presenters is nothing new. What is new is the hand-picked selection of reporters who participate in the program. Hardly a person outside the standards wins an opportunity, with the exception, perhaps, of older professionals, whose ages and experience justify their presence. Before the digital age, the high definition era, journalists were not as pretty and pretty as they are today.
They parade elegant suits. Shoulder pads erect a slender, well-groomed body of someone who harbors serious physical concerns. There are no full-blown journalists on television. On the radio and in the newspaper… well, then reality changes, because showing up is not the focus. In these cases, voice or words are enough. On TV, reporters have abandoned typical journalist casualness and assumed corporate attire. The way you dress says a lot about you.
They, in turn, are beautiful. They wear elegant clothes and wear high heels in order to straighten their body posture. Makeup reinforces traits that are already beautiful. There is a lot of room, in this context, for veiled machismos. Sports programs love to vulgarize women. They put female beauty as the main information in the sketch, regardless of the content they might share. The most important thing is the information.
Perhaps it is because of the demand for beauty on television that many journalists, of both sexes, are used in entertainment programs. Soon after, they are showing advertisements for major brands of clothing, beauty or makeup. Investors know that the beautiful gives an audience, even if the audience is not built on the beautiful alone. There is a lot of beauty out there. Credibility information, not so much.
Adapted from ( http://observatoriodaimprensa.com.br/tv-em-questao/reporter-ou-modelo/)
1) Analyze the first sentence of the text “Starting the newscast”.
I – The sentence could be rewritten “The TV news is started” without losing its meaning and grammatical correctness.
II – The word “if” is a passive particle.
III – “the newscast is the direct object of the verb “start.
IV – The word “if” could be replaced by “case” and would keep the sense and grammatical correctness.
V – The sentence could be rewritten “Start the TV news” without losing its meaning and grammatical correctness.
The alternatives that are INCORRECT are:
a) I, II and III
b) I and II
c) III, IV and V
d) III and IV
e) I and V
2) In relation to the verbs “to parade” and “to erect” present in the third paragraph, in the context in which they appear, we can say that:
a) are intransitive verbs.
b) are transitive indirect verbs.
c) are connecting verbs.
d) are verbs that require a preposition.
e) are verbs that have a direct object.
3) In the excerpt "The way you dress says a lot about you" that ends the third paragraph, we have:
a) “if” as a passive particle.
b) “if” as an index of the subject's indeterminacy.
c) “if” as a conditional conjunction.
d) “if” as a reflexive pronoun.
e) “if” as a treatment pronoun.
4) In the excerpt “There is a lot of beauty out there” that almost ends the text, the verb “haver”:
a) has subject. b) has no subject. c) is not in the sense of existing.
d) is a personal verb. e) should be in the plural.
By André Tarragô Martins – Middle and Middle School Teacher of Portuguese Language and Master in Letters in the area of Language, Interaction and Learning Processes. In addition, he is a musician and journalist. He works in pre-university entrance exams, pre-contests, private lessons, preparation of exams for public examinations and is a content creator for the Portal www.acessaber.com.br.
At answers are in the link above the header.