Reading is a fundamental habit for the integral formation of students, as it is responsible for enriching the academic experiences of the students, being also important for the personal and professional development of the future. citizens. The school library has a fundamental role in awakening in children the pleasure of reading. The environment, in addition to being intended for reading and literacy, can offer playful experiences that encourage students' interest in the universe of books. Parental participation in this process is very important, but in some cases, the family itself may not having a deep-rooted habit of reading, which makes the participation of librarians and educators.
Commemorative dates, for example, can be widely explored in the school library, showing students new aspects of the place. To celebrate Children's Day, an interesting action that can complement studies on the date is the holding of a soiree in the library with children's songs only. In addition to being a rich learning activity, it will help introduce the library in a more fun way for children.
Special events at the school library help encourage a love of reading
The active participation of the school library in the school's pedagogical planning is important to bring students closer to books. But it is also interesting to use the place to promote special events, which help to encourage interest in reading and the knowledge it provides to everyone.
We often have doubts about what activities to develop to encourage younger readers. For this, teacher Rejane Jorge created this “menu” of activities that we believe are useful in classroom work, and why not say the Reading Club? Feel free to adapt them to the reality of your little ones, we just ask that the source is cited. Good tasting!
Facilitator: Rejane Jorge
All students, sitting in a circle, to carry out the day's reading;
All students, after reading the book, one at a time, will present the read book. They must, in their time, convince others that the book is good;
The teacher should suggest 03 (three books for students to choose). Afterwards, he will perform the reading and theatrical development of the text, involving them in the story and dramatization;
The student will play the role of the author to promote the book's advertisement, however, he will not be able to tell the end of the book;
The teacher will select some sentences, short paragraphs, texts and others, putting them in a “box”. At the time reserved for reading, each student will take from the surprise box what they should read that day;
At the end of the reading, the student will go up on the platform to say what part of the book he liked best. He becomes the center of attention;
At the moment of integration of “enjoying the readings”, the caretaker, father, coordinator and others will be invited to tell a story;
The teacher will divide the class into groups of 2 to two (two to two), which will simulate a phone call to tell their friend the book they chose and what most caught their attention when they had it;
Each student will write a sentence that identifies the book they read. This sentence goes to the panel, highlighting the reading carried out on the day;
The teacher decorates a chair to place it in front of the other students and thus, the chosen student will talk about the book read;
Each student will read a page from the book, and at the end, everyone will have participated;
“Enjoying the readings” is the moment where the teacher will choose a song to work on; the lyrics, the melody and the interpretation… it's a relaxed and different moment;
The teacher will promote at the school, a fair for the exhibition of books read by his students. It will invite other groups so that, during the event, they can enjoy the presentations of the books. Each student will present 03 (three books in the exhibition;
After performing the daily reading, the teacher will divide the class into groups of 02 (two by two) or 03 (three to three), so that they exchange experiences about the books they read – each one in the group talks about the book they read;
After reading the chosen book, the student will present the content of the story through theater – stick, puppets, folding and others;
Moment when each student will have the opportunity to recount a story, a crack, “cause” or real fact;
It is when the teacher will make available to students, different texts for reading;
The teacher will choose a student to be the reporter. The questions must be directed to the questioning by the respondent;
After the reading of the day, the student should comment on the characters that stood out the most in the story in question;
The teacher draws a student to bring a text that will be read that day;
The teacher should choose a day to take students to the library;
The teacher will ask students to bring various texts from home, which should be posted on a wall for students to read;
You bring several cookbooks, ask to choose your favorite recipe, write it in the notebook and interpret it, starting with: what is the title of the text? If possible, make the cooking day, make a recipe with the class;
Take them to know the city's cinema and give them the opportunity to watch a film and then debate it;
In Magda Soares' books, there are all the procedures of a letter. After you have developed this process of creating a letter with students, ask them to mail it.
group reading
Group reading sessions in the library, with students sitting on wheels or on cushions and ottomans scattered around the place, contribute to stimulating the imagination during reading, making the space more pleasant and attractive for small.
Book fair with children's participation
The famous book fairs should also continue to be held in schools. However, in order to engage the little ones and encourage the pleasure of reading within the institution, it is interesting to invite students to help prepare for the fair.
Reference: http://leituramesquita.blogspot.com/2009/09/sugestoes-de-atividades-de-incentivo.html
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