Rosie is a very happy girl, communicative and willing to participate in everything that is proposed.
She plays with all her friends having a strong leadership trait.
Also, it is necessary to remind you of some kitá rules, such as: letting your friends start a game, waiting your turn, etc. She needs to be constantly reminded about the organization of the materials used and the arrangement of her drawer.
She always takes the initiative in group activities and likes to help friends who have some difficulty.
In her individual productions she demonstrates a lot of whimsy, autonomy and creativity.
She participates in conversation circles and projects with great attention and always contributing with experiences relevant to the topic discussed.
In the park, she prefers to play in the house and in the sand tank.
In this 2nd semester it was possible to observe many advances in relation to their learning.
Rosie has been constantly expressing a desire to discover words, both in reading and writing them.
Morá: Tania
Perele is a very sweet and cheerful girl.
She gets along well with the mora and all of Kitá's friends, and has been learning to work in groups.
In situations of conflict for the possession of some object or for the leadership in the games, she is not always able to resolve it alone, needing the interference of the mora.
She was more interested in participating in the activities in the corners and her favorite is drawing.
She has expanded her vocabulary and is expressing herself more clearly.
In her individual productions, still, she needs guidance from the delay so that she understands the proposal and finalizes them.
She organizes her material and helps organize the kitá after the games.
She participates in the wheels of history and projects with interest and now bringing relevant contributions to the subject discussed.
She writes her name without support, but still needs support to write her friends' names.
She orally recites the alphabet, but still can't identify all the letters in the different contexts, that is, in the activities proposed for the identification of initial, final and word letters worked.
When performing activities that involve logical-mathematical reasoning, she routinely counts up to the number 30, but sometimes she gets lost during the count, making it necessary to resume with the help of the delay.
She still can't identify the writing of numbers up to 20.
It was possible to observe many advances in her drawings.
It uses the space of the leaf better and represents the objects in better defined positions, eg the sun at the top of the leaf, the flowers on the ground.
She represents the human figure with arms, legs, hair, eyes and always with clothes.
I am very happy to be able to observe and share the progress achieved by Perele.
.Morah Tania
Rivka is a very sweet girl who speaks little, but is always aware of what is happening around her.
She plays with all her friends, but prefers to be with Hannah. Many times, it was still necessary to encourage her to play with the other girls and also to let Hannah act on her own and express her own desires.
She is organized with her materials and likes to collaborate in tidying up the kitá after the activities.
She participates with interest in the conversation circles, listening and contributing with her experiences.
Has a good vocabulary and expresses himself clearly.
She writes her name without support, but still needs support to write her friends' names.
In carrying out the proposed activities, she still needs help from the housekeeper or a friend to understand the proposal and be able to complete it.
She orally recites the alphabet and recognizes all the letters.
In activities that involve spontaneous writing, she still does not make a relationship between the phoneme (sound unit) and the grapheme (letter).
It recites the number series conventionally up to the number 30, but it only recognizes the numbers written up to 10.
In activities related to numerals when writing them, when she does not know how to do it, she uses dashes and dots to represent them. At these times, I've been using different resources so that I can write them in the conventional way.
Her drawings are more defined and presenting a greater wealth of details.
She represents the human figure with head, eyes, hair, arms and legs.
I am very happy to be able to observe and share the progress made by Rivka.
Tânia will live
Rina is a sweet, happy and very talkative girl.
She likes to tell her experiences in great detail.
She gets along well with all her friends and now she is no longer just with Rosie.
Still, she needs to be charged for the organization of materials, toys and her belongings after they are used.
She participates with interest in conversation circles and projects, listening and contributing facts relevant to the topics covered, and she does them clearly and with good vocabulary.
In the corners she prefers those intended for drawing and cutouts.
In the park she likes to play in the house and in the sand.
Rina has advanced every day in her knowledge.
She recites the alphabet in a conventional way and recognizes almost every letter.
She has been working hard on writing new words and always asks if she is writing them correctly.
Her writing is syllabic with sound value, that is, it writes a letter for each syllable, using letters that correspond to the sound of the syllables.
She recites the number series up to the number 50, needing help in exchanging the tens.
When writing the numbers, she also writes some in a mirrored way, but when encouraged to consult the table, she realizes her mistake and corrects them.
Her drawings have well-defined shapes, she uses the sheet space in an organized way and explores all colors when painting.
His art productions are very creative and neat, which demonstrates satisfaction in carrying them out.
I am very happy to be able to observe and share the progress made by Rina.
Tânia will live
Hannah is a very cheerful, talkative and affectionate girl.
She usually expresses her emotions and feelings calmly and lovingly.
She gets along well with all her friends and, now, she's been playing more with other girls from kita and not just with Rivka.
In dispute for a toy or when her friend did something she didn't like, she usually asks for help with the house. In these moments, I try to encourage her to talk and try to solve them alone and if not, I will try to help her.
She is very careful when storing her belongings and the materials she used, organizing them in a detailed way.
She likes to help the mora and her friends when it comes to tidying up the kitá.
She has a preference for doll corners and drawing, where she remains entertained for a long time, demonstrating to be with a greater degree of concentration.
She has been involved in all the proposals developed with greater attention and concentration.
In conversation circles and projects, she contributes with facts relevant to the subjects worked on.
When expressing herself, she also omits some words in the sentence and changes some letters, eg instead of popcorn she speaks popcorn.
She writes her name without needing support and also that of some girls from kitá.
Recite the alphabet in a conventional way and recognize all the letters.
She has become more confident in writing and is always very interested in learning.
She is in the syllabic phase with sound value, that is, she writes a letter for each syllable, using letters that correspond to the sound of the syllable.
She recites the number sequence conventionally up to the number 50, needing help in changing the tens.
In activities and games that involve numbers up to 30, she still confuses some and when writing them, she does them in a way mirrored, but when called to her attention to check how she spelled s, she notices and corrects them immediately.
Hannah has been drawing more defined shapes, making better use of sheet space and better exploring colors when painting.
Her human figure has been better represented, now with arms, hands, feet, hair, eyes, eyebrows and clothes.
I am very happy to be able to observe and share Hannah's progress.
Tânia will live
Sheina is a cheerful, calm and persistent girl.
She maintains a good relationship with her friends and plays with them all.
In some moments, when disputing an object or when someone does something they didn't like, she reacts by isolating herself and not wanting to talk. After some time, sometimes he comes to tell what happened and together we try to find a solution.
She needs to be reminded, constantly, so that she can keep the materials and toys used, organize her drawer and put her belongings in her backpack.
She participates in everything that is offered with enthusiasm and in her diversified work, her favorite spot is the of the arts, where in addition to drawing pictures, she writes the alphabet and tries to write new words, asking ever:
– Mora, what did I write?
She participated with interest in the conversation circles and projects bringing facts pertinent to the issues being worked on.
She has advanced in her knowledge sharing her discoveries with her friends.
Recite the alphabet in a conventional way and recognize all the letters.
She is in the syllabic phase with sound value, that is, she writes a letter for each syllable, using letters that correspond to the sound of the syllable.
When writing letters and words, she likes to do everything correctly and gets upset when I ask her to do it her way so that I can make the necessary interference later.
Recite the numerical series up to the number 50, needing help in changing the tens.
Sometimes, when you spell the numbers 1, 2, 5 and 7 you do them in a mirrored way, but when called your attention to the fact, correct them immediately.
This semester, Sheina was more interested in drawing and coloring the activities with greater care.
I am very happy to be able to observe and share the progress made by Sheina.
Tânia will live