Several benefits are granted to citizens who work portfolio signed. Receipt of salary allowance PIS/Pasep is one of them. However, it was recently revealed that almost 500,000 workers still have not claimed the benefit for the base year 2020, whose maximum value can reach R$ 1,212. If you want to know how to check salary amount base year 2020, just continue reading this article.
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Of the total number of people who have not yet collected the money, 155,858 are employees of private companies with access to PIS, while 325,842 are public servants who can collect Pasep. In this sense, workers in this condition can still receive the amount, however, they must follow the following criteria:
In addition, it is worth noting that the benefit payment schedule began on February 8 of this year and ended in March. However, according to information from the government, it is possible that the worker will have access to the money until December 29th. Thus, you only need to know if you are eligible and if the benefit is already available. Find out how to get this information below:
If you want to know whether or not you are entitled to the benefit of the 2020 base year allowance, you can consult the Digital Work Card application. In addition, it is possible to verify through Caixa Tem, as it guarantees direct access to your social savings.