Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about a film. “Dora and the Lost City, the newest mission of the character who was successful with the animated series Adventurer Dora, it's very different from all the other adventures of the character”. Let's find out what these differences are and get to know the story of this movie better? So, he should carefully read the text and then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
This reading comprehension activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF, as well as the completed activity.
Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about dogs. The Canidae family is made up of all types of domestic dogs – from Pekinese to pitbull – in addition to wolves, jackals, foxes and the maned wolf. Let's find out more about canids? Are we going to discover fun facts about foxes and maned wolves, for example? So, carefully read the text “Os Canídeos” and then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
You can download this text comprehension activity in an editable Word template, ready to print to PDF, as well as the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses the simple period. When does a period qualify in this way? When does it have a nucleus, a subject or a prayer? Let's learn? To do so, answer the questions that are based on the text. “Flora das Caatingas do Rio São Francisco” wins Jabuti award.
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, about an old donkey. Once, the muleteers needed to make a long journey and the donkeys would carry many loads. The muleteers decided that each of these animals should choose its load and that the first to do so would be the oldest donkey. He, to the jeers of others, chose the heaviest load. What is this load? Why did he choose her? Are you curious to know the continuity of the story? So, read the text carefully Living and learning. Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
You can download this text comprehension activity as an editable template in Word, ready to print to PDF, as well as the completed activity.
Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about the muriquis. Among the spider monkeys, males and females are equal, one does not dominate the other. Shall we find out more about these monkeys? So, read the text carefully A "family" monkey! Then answer the various interpretive questions proposed!
You can download this text comprehension activity in an editable Word template, ready to print to PDF, as well as the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth grade of elementary school, addresses the adverbs of time. Let's analyze the expressions that express time circumstances in the interesting text Did you know that cartoons came before movies? To do so, answer the questions proposed below!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about the uacari-branco. Have you ever heard of this monkey? Few animals draw as much attention as the white uacari. Want to know why? Then, read the text “He has a red face, he is white and bald! What animal is that?". Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
This reading comprehension activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF, as well as the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth grade of elementary school, about the subjunctive verbs. How about analyzing this verbal mode in the text Cat bath preparation? So, answer the questions proposed below! In “If he is not used to it since he was little […]”, was the verb in the subjunctive mood used to express a hypothesis, a condition or a suggestion? Let's go to the challenge?
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, on the route of bricks. Where do the bricks and blocks on the walls of your house come from? The authors of the text reveal to us that the work of stacking and transporting bricks to the kilns is done by a large number of children and teenagers! And under what conditions does this work take place? Will we learn more about this harsh reality? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretive questions proposed!
You can download this text comprehension activity in an editable Word template, ready to print to PDF, as well as the completed activity.
Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, about César Lattes. Brazilian scientist César Mansueto Giulio Lattes made an enormous contribution to Physics, by proving the existence of the atomic particle “pi meson”. Are we going to find out more about this great Brazilian scientist? So, he should carefully read the text and then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
This reading comprehension activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF, as well as the completed activity.