Science activity on the hydrosphere, aimed at fourth or fifth year students.
This activity is available for download in Word template (which can be edited), in PDF (printable) and the completed activity.
Text interpretation activity aimed at fourth or fifth year students, the text used is “The spider and the keyhole”.
Download this Portuguese activity in a Word template (which can be edited), in PDF (ready to print) and the activity answered.
Science activity for fifth graders, this activity talks about plant reproduction.
Download this activity in Word (template that can be modified), in PDF (ready-to-print activity) and the activity with answers.
Text interpretation activity aimed at fourth or fifth year students. The text used in this interpretation is “The spider and the grapes”.
This Portuguese activity is available for download in a Word template, ready to print in PDF and the activity answered.
Science activity for fifth grade students, this activity addresses the theme of the atmosphere, its component gases, UV rays and the ozone layer.
Download this activity in Word (template that can be modified), in PDF (ready-to-print activity) and the activity with answers.
Text interpretation aimed at fourth or fifth year students, the text used in this interpretation is “The water”.
You can download this activity in print-ready PDF, in editable Word template as well as the completed activity.
Text interpretation for fifth graders. the text used in this interpretation is “The butterfly and the turtle”.
This activity is available for download in a Word template, in a ready-to-print PDF and the completed activity.
Mathematics assessment aimed at fifth-year students, this assessment contains activities such as: decomposition; multiplication and division; math problems; ascending order and geometric shapes;
This activity is available for download in two templates, in Word (template that can be edited) and in PDF (ready to print). We are also providing the completed assessment.
Text interpretation activity for fifth grade students, the text used in this interpretation is the fable “The water”.
This activity is available for download in a Word template, in a ready-to-print PDF and the completed activity.
Subtraction math activity, aimed at students in the first or second year of elementary school.
You can download this ready-to-print activity in PDF, editable Word template and also the completed activity.