Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, about the adjective grade. It expresses the intensity of the qualities of beings! Let's understand how it works in the text that introduces the fish Painted? So, get to work!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, aimed at eighth grade students, explores the pronouns. How about studying them through a variety of text-based questions The brown booby and the garbage? In addition to learning about the pronouns, you will get to know the booby and learn about the consequences of the garbage deposited on the coasts for the life of seabirds!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, aimed at eighth grade students, aims to study the phrases. Would you be able to say, for example, which idea the conjunctive phrase “just as” introduces in the phrase “Maria-stink, like other insects, has a substance called pheromone […]”? Idea of condition, comparison or addition? This and other questions are referred to in the text
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, aims to study the personal pronoun. You know, for example, what's wrong with the phrase “Ancient people watched the Moon! So they saw her change shape.”? Let's analyze? This is one of the questions based on the curious text Why does the week have seven days? Let's get to work, folks!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, aimed at seventh-year students, aims to study the signs of punctuation. They are essential to understanding the text, aren't they? So, let's understand how they work in the construction of the joke The medicine? So, get to work!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, explores the past tense verbs. Are we going to identify them and understand the role they play? So, answer the challenging text-based questions the master chef, written by Zelia Gattai!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, aimed at eighth grade students, explores the participles. To study them through the text about Manaus? How would you rewrite the phrase “[…] large boats and ships take products from the Amazon […]”, using the participle of the verb “take”? Let's learn? So, answer this and the other proposed questions!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, aimed at seventh-year students, about the adverbial time adjunct. Are we going to study the expressions that indicate time? Then answer the proposed questions based on the text Ziraldo! In this way, you will discover the facts that marked the writer's trajectory Ziraldo and when they happened!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, about prepositions. How about studying them through the text Meditation is good for the heart? So, answer the proposed questions!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, aimed at first year high school students, about the pronouns. How about studying them in the book review Neanderthal, Our Brother: A Brief History of Man? So, answer the challenging questions posed!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.