Text Interpretation, strip “Charlie Brown”, aimed at 9th grade students.
This Portuguese activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, focused on eighth grade students, addresses adverbs so. Let's analyze them in the text What happens to our body when we are dreaming? So, answer the proposed questions!
This Portuguese activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Text interpretation, “The Myth of the Automobile”, suitable for 7th grade students. One of the questions asks for the formation of adjectives from nouns.
You can download this Portuguese activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the answered activity.
Portuguese activity, “Verbal Concordance”, suitable for high school students. The questions deal with the content, which commonly raises doubts, in a problematic way. Test your knowledge!
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Text interpretation, “Capoeira”, aimed at students in the 2nd year of high school. The proposed questions contemplate the theme and, above all, the vocabulary present in the text.
Download this Portuguese activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF, as well as the completed activity.
Text interpretation, “The lie of the lie”, written by Rogério Augusto. The activity is aimed at 6th grade students.
You can download this Portuguese activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF, as well as the completed activity.
Text interpretation, “Reality with a lot of fantasy”, aimed at 9th grade students. The theme of this text is: the literary work of Moacyr Scliar.
You can download this Portuguese activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the answered activity.
Text interpretation, “Eva Furnari”, aimed at 1st year high school students. The text deals, as the title shows, with the professional life of Eva Furnari, one of the leading figures in children's literature.
You can download this Portuguese activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the answered activity.
Portuguese activity, Text Production, “Conto”, aimed at 6th grade students. Guidelines are presented (step by step) for the construction of this genre, based on a sequence of images by “Garfield”.
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template and ready to print in PDF.
Portuguese Activity, Aesthetic Synthesis of the beautiful poem “Mãe”, written by Mário Quintana. In honor of the "Mother's Day", students will have to draw a picture of the poem, which they will present to them.
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template and is also ready to print in PDF.