Portuguese lesson plan, aimed at first year high school students, to study the themes: connotation and denotation, orthoepia, metaphony and prosody, phoneme and letter, vowel and consonant encounter, literary genres, metrification and versification, literary analysis; Individual style and Period Style, Literature and other arts.
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Teacher's name:
Subject: Portuguese language
Time course:
Reference Year:
Teaching Stage: High school
Year/Phase/Module: 1st year Classes: Shift:
Number of classes: 13
linguistic variations
Reporting opinions, knowledge through verbal arguments
Maintaining a point of view throughout the speech
Analysis and reflection of language difficulties in oral and written texts
– vocabulary meaning, denotation and connotation, primary and secondary ideas, implicit, explicit and ambiguous information, meanings, textual coherence, referential cohesion, sequential cohesion.
Types of speech.
– dicendi verbs, direct speech, indirect speech.
Reading and writing texts, whose genres are linked to the narration, considering the recipient, its purpose, its circulation spaces and the characteristics of the proposed genres.
– adventure, science fiction, enigma, myth and other narratives
Textual structure, purpose, intentionality, type of language, roles of interlocutors and organizational principles of typologies.
Textual genres - structural elements, grammatical and lexical marks in the composition of different genres and intertextualities.
Coherence and textual cohesion.
Connotation and Denotation – teacher's personal collection – 1 class
Orthoepia, metaphony and prosody – personal collection: -2 lessons –
Phoneme and lyrics, vowel and consonant encounter – Teacher's personal collection.
Literary genres, metrics and versification – New words book – pages and personal collection of the teacher-24 to 39 - 3 lessons
Literary Analysis, Individual Style and Period Style, Literature and other arts – New Words Book - pages 9 to 19 – 2 lessons
Bimonthly Assessment - 1 class
Understand the literary text as a set of historically elaborated artistic codes, which refer to the sphere of inter and extratextual connections.
Recognize the multi-meaning of language.
Identify literary text.
Compare literary texts and analyze formal and thematic aspects.
Identify intertextuality.
Understand the literary text as essentially interdisciplinary.
Understand and use the Portuguese language as a mother tongue, generator of meaning and integrated into the organization of the world and into one's own identity.
Recognizing the need to master the standard norm, which represents the socially prestigious linguistic variety, without underestimating the other variants.
Recognize language as a heterogeneous set of linguistic varieties.
Realize the existing linguistic prejudice in relation to the muteness of its users.
Realize the intentionality implicit in oral speeches.
Confront opinions and points of view about the different manifestations of verbal language.
Use oral language in situations that require prior preparation, greater formality, maintaining the point of view throughout the speech, procedures for negotiating agreements.
Analyze expressive resources of verbal language, relating texts/contexts, through nature, function, organization, structure, according to the conditions of production and reception (intention, time, place, interlocutors, participants in the creation of ideas and choices, available technologies). ·Recognize the meaning contextual and the complementary role of some non-linguistic elements, such as gestures, body posture, facial expression, tone of voice, intonation, in oral language.
Express yourself orally, being concerned with the interlocutor and with the greater or lesser level of formality in the different forms of expression.
Identify different languages and their expressive resources as elements of characterization of communication systems.
Understand the phonetic and phonological system.
Use current orthographic rules.
Use punctuation marks to organize texts.
Appropriately employ the prosodic and graphic accent system.
Establishing relationships between the literary text and the moment of its production, situating aspects of the historical, social and political context.
Establish aesthetic relationships and mutual conceptual illumination between literature and other forms of art arts and production material supports, such as cinema, plastic arts, architecture among others.
Understand literature as a cultural manifestation and, therefore, permeate the teaching of literature in dialogue with other arts, presenting the diversity of literature produced in Portuguese and South Mato Grosso Literature and its sources.
The contents about connotation and denotation will be worked through the songs: Dois Rios by the group Skank and Choram as rosas by the duo Bruno and Marrone. Students will be led to understand the differences of the two languages with analysis of the songs that will be projected in videos for listening and interpretation. Afterwards, they will have to develop activities that will be registered on the blackboard about the studied topic, then the correction will be orally. To complement the theme, students should develop activities taken from the site: http://acessaber.com.br/atividades/atividade-de-portugues-denotacao-e-conotacao-1o-ano-do-ensino-medio/ – it consists of analysis of the song Certas Things by singer Lulu Santos and analysis of the magazine cover. The correction of activities will be on the blackboard.
Content on orthoepia, metaphony and prosody will be recorded on the blackboard, as they are not included in the student's textbook. After explanation, the teacher will record exercises on the blackboard and the correction will be with the participation of the students.
The teacher will take a power point presentation (prepared by the teacher) to explain the phoneme and letter contents, vowel and consonantal meeting. And after explanations, students should develop activities on the studied topic. They will be delivered in copies and they will have to stick them in the notebooks. Correction will be orally.
Literary genres, metrics and versification will be studied through explanatory slides that deal with the differentiation of each genre and bring examples such as: song Garganta by singer Ana Carolina, mentions literary works by renowned writers such as: Clarice Lispector and Machado de Assis (search on google: lyrical and epic literary genre ppt – first item) After the students must develop activities that will be delivered in copies, these must be pasted on the notebooks. Correction will be orally.
Literary Analysis, Individual Style and Period Style, Literature and other arts will be studied using the textbook. These activities consist of the study of images and poems. After the teacher's explanation, the students must answer the questions suggested in the book in the notebooks, with the teacher's mediation. The correction of activities will be on the blackboard.
Bimonthly assessment with 10 multiple choice questions without consultation.
Learning Assessment:
Performance evaluation and participation with visas in the notebooks. Assessment of homework and student dialogical participation during classes.
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva
At answers are in the link above the header.