Many Brazilians are looking forward to the arrival of the Brazil Aid of BRL 600.00. In all, there are more than 18 million families in situations of social vulnerability supported by the program today in day, but it is worth remembering that these same people need to be very attentive when updating registration data at the box has to keep your payments active through the platform.
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Until now, this amount could only be withdrawn by beneficiaries who were part of the former social program, Bolsa Família, who were migrated to Auxílio Brasil. However, the Federal Government has started to produce the program's cards and distribution should happen through the Post Office soon.
Currently, Caixa Tem is not the only form of payment for Auxílio Brasil adopted by the Federal Government, but it remains the preference of beneficiaries. Anyone interested in continuing to receive the benefit through the application will need to pay attention to having their registration data updated, because only in this way will it be possible to fully enjoy the functionalities that are offered by platform.
In order to update your registration in Caixa Tem, you must first have the application installed on your cell phone with its most recent version. Therefore, as soon as the user accesses the social savings account, he will receive a notification by means of a banner with a written message “Update your registration”, which also highlights the need to be in possession of the documents needed. Check below the step by step on how to update your data in Caixa Tem.
First, it will be necessary to provide your updated address, in case it is different from the one that was registered at the time of your registration on the platform.
Soon after, the application needs to know if you were born in Brazil. So, just confirm this option or not.
In the next step, you will be asked for information regarding your assets and income. At first, Caixa will ask about your possessions, such as houses, car, motorcycle or money in savings. After that, it will be necessary to inform if there is a fixed income and where it comes from.
After reporting your monthly income, you will need to declare the amount of your receipts. Those who have a formal contract only need to enter the gross salary amount, without discounts. In cases of self-employed workers, simply inform the average amount received per month.
After declaring whether you have equity or not, it is now time to inform the estimated average of its value. After completing these steps, you just need to verify that the data is correct and click on Continue.
Finally, it will be necessary to take a front and back photo of the RG or your CNH, if you have one, and then in sequence, of your own face (selfie). Once this is done, just click Continue to finish updating the data.
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