After obtaining authorization to operate in the self-service mode, a gas station in Jaguará do Sul, SC, aims to reduce prices at a station without attendants. In addition, owners from other places claim that there is a shortage of workers in the regions of Brazil and, therefore, defend that the measure be extended to other establishments of the genre. Understand more below!
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The decision taken by the 1st Federal Court of Jaguará do Sul, Santa Catarina, which granted the right to operate without an attendant at a gas station in the city of Santa Catarina last month, reignited the debate about Law nº 9.956/2000, which prohibits the operation of self-service pumps in these locations.
Gas station attendants fear rising unemployment, once permission is granted to other locations. The owners of fuel stations, in turn, promise to reduce the price of gasoline and maintain the argument that there are not enough workers in the market.
According to Gabriel Wulff, then retail director of the Mime gas station chain, which won the lawsuit to operate without attendants, the price of fuel may be reduced by between R$ 0.08 and R$ 0.15 for the consumer Final.
According to Wulff, who is also vice-president of Sindipetro – the Santa Catarina Oil Derivatives Retail Trade Union – the cost reduction will be due to the efficiency gain. For him, if there is a lower cost, the consumer should also benefit from it.
Eusébio Luís Neto, president of the National Federation of Employees at Fuel Service Stations and Petroleum Products, Fenepospetro, denied that there could be a reduction in the price of fuel.
According to Eusébio, capital does not decrease in price when labor is replaced by maintenance. He also stated that the average supply time can be increased from seven to fifteen minutes per customer and, in the end, these people will work for free for the company.