In everyday life, it is very common to look for ways to avoid very strong chemical products, as is the case even with some cleaning products.
However, contrary to what many people think, these harmful substances can also be found in common everyday items, such as cape clothing and plastic containers. Find out what they are below.
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According to an analysis carried out by Consumer Reports, some harmful chemicals are present in a wide range of food packaging, everyday items, etc. Because of this, even if there is a movement by the main health and consumer protection bodies to avoid them, they are still very present in our daily lives.
In fact, research points out that they are part of even the most unlikely objects, such as bedding, sportswear, tablecloths and, ironically, even salad bowls. Because of them, people are at great risk of developing problems related to the immune system, decreased fertility and even cancer.
In general, most household items and packaging need to be resistant to water, heat and other elements. For this, chemical products are used, which provide this effect of durability, but which can also bring us some risks. After all, despite being essential to make them remain in these conditions, they also become resistant in us.
In this way, it ends up being a little difficult to remove them from our bodies, especially when contact is daily. It is for this reason that many basic objects, such as non-stick pans, are extremely rejected by specialists and some health agencies. In addition to these, raincoats, fire-fighting foam and stain-proof clothing also pose some danger to our health.
Of course, it's also not a reason to despair if you have these objects at home, but you need to be careful and avoid using them. When buying a piece of clothing, for example, check to see if the label has the anti-stain seal. In the end, removing the dirt will be less work than the possible health complications.