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To make this experience even more pleasant for the customer, the company created its own card that has special advantages exclusive to purchases on the Sou Barato website. In addition, it is also accepted in all establishments in the MasterCard® Network or Visa®.
+ how cheap
Exclusive discounts for your purchases on the site.
+ what deadline
The Sou Barato card allows for a differentiated payment in installments and more peace of mind.
+ what discounts
Exclusive offers throughout the year on the Sou Barato website.
+ what a limit
It is possible to obtain an extra limit to make your purchases in installments on the Sou Barato website. It is worth remembering that this value is subject to variation at the closing of the invoice.
A Sou Barato Visa card application is done via the internet, through a registration in the site.
To apply, you must follow these steps:
For the holder of the Sou Barato Card, the first year of annuity is debited in 12 installments of BRL 10.99. After this period, the annuity is debited andm 12 installments of BRL 15.99 O additional card is free.
For security purposes, the Sou Barato Card is sent blocked.
For unlock you must have your Sou Barato Card and your password, sent by mail. It is possible to unlock from the phone, or via Internet Banking, depending on the customer's preference.
Call the Cetelem Relationship Center: 4004-7990 (capital cities and metropolitan regions) or 0800 704 1166 (other locations), from Monday to Saturday, from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm.
Access the Internet Banking and unlock your card.
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