Students who were not approved in any of the course options by the Unified Selection System (Sisu) can, as of today (29), join the program's waiting list. The deadline for this to be done is February 5th.
Adhesion can be made on the Sisu page. Applicants can choose to join the waitlist for the first or second course option made at the time of application.
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Applications are open for anyone who wants to work on the application of…
Students on the list will be summoned by the educational institutions themselves from February 7th.
As of this edition of Sisu, students who were selected in either of the two options will not be able to participate in the waiting list. Until last year, those who were selected in the second option could still participate in the list and have the chance to be chosen in the first option.
The Sisu result has been available since yesterday (28). Those who were selected must enroll in educational institutions, from January 30th to February 4th.
Students should pay attention to the days, times and places of service defined by each institution in its own announcement.
In all, Sisu offers, in this edition, 235,461 vacancies in 129 public institutions across the country. Students who took the Enem 2018 and obtained a score above zero in the writing test were able to enroll in the program. According to MEC, more than 1.8 million candidates signed up. With information from Agência Brasil.