O first day of school It is an extremely special date for students. For those who are already studying, this will be the time to meet their classmates again after the holidays, or even get to know a different class when they change schools.
There are also those who are going to school for the first time. On this day, they will discover a totally new universe, unlike anything they have ever visited and known so far.
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Teachers also do not fail to create expectations, since they are going to meet their students again after the holidays, or else they are going to meet a completely new class.
In all situations, the first day of school is a magical day, and deserves to be treated as such. To turn all the anxiety into fun, and the pleasure of being at school, we've separated some tips and games to make this date memorable.
Many new students may be in the class, so that they create familiarity with the new school environment, nothing better than a tour of the school premises. Thus, they will be able to locate themselves in relation to the cafeteria or canteen, bathrooms, sports facilities, library, among others.
If the school is very large and the classes have many students, it is interesting that the coordination organize a timetable, so that there is no turmoil and the visit is pleasant and welcoming.
Teachers and students will live together for a whole year, making the place conducive to the creation of affective bonds of friendship. Everyone has at least one friend from their school days, right?
Therefore, a moment of presentation can be very interesting. A good option is to perform dynamics. Check out some suggestions:
1 – Knowing and learning
As the name implies, the purpose of the activity is to get to know the classmates and learn a little about each one of them, in addition to providing moments of interaction and communication between the class.
To carry out the dynamics, the teacher will need a ball, which can be small. It will also be necessary to organize the class in a circle, so that all the children can maintain eye contact with their classmates.
Before starting, it's interesting to talk a little, dealing mainly with the need to listen to others and respect people's differences and limitations.
Starting the game, the teacher should hand the ball to one of the students, who will say its name is something about him. It can be a striking feature, a defect or quality, something they like or whatever else they think of at the time. After talking, you have to pass the ball to someone else.
After everyone has spoken, the teacher will explain the next phase. In this step, they must pass the ball to a colleague and say their name and what they said in the previous round. In the case of younger children, the educator can help the process if they cannot remember.
The activity can be performed by children of all ages and the execution time varies between 15 and 20 minutes.
2 – welcome
In this one, which is aimed at already literate children, the teacher will need colored balloons and permanent pens, which are those used for an overhead projector. The first step is to hand a balloon to each student and ask them to blow it up and tie a knot. It's worth paying attention to those who will have difficulty closing and will need help.
The second step is to ask them to use the pen to write their expectations for the year or semester in the balloon. It is also valid to write something about the subject that you like the most.
In the next phase, everyone gets up and throws the balloons in the air, so that they mix completely. Then each takes any balloon. The teacher will divide them into groups, according to the color of the balloon they picked up.
Gathered, the groups will read what is written on each balloon, discussing what is written. At this time, it is also possible for them to exchange their own expectations regarding the first day of class.
3 – All about me
Designed for students aged 10 and up, the dynamic, in addition to introducing themselves to their peers, allows the child to reflect on himself. To execute, before the class, the educator will need to prepare some cards with the following questions:
My name is:
Students will have some time to complete the form. Soon after, they should be positioned in a circle. It can be sitting on the floor or repositioning chairs in the classroom.
The goal is for each one to introduce themselves to the others by reading the information they wrote. It is important that the environment is light and relaxed, so that they feel comfortable talking about personal information.
For this festive day, nothing better than preparing a series of games, after all, every child likes to play and have fun, even the shyest ones. The moment is important to break the initial ice, providing the beginning of the interaction between the class.
To celebrate this moment, we selected some jokes
1 - Don't let the balloon fall
The purpose is to demonstrate the importance of collective work and that, mainly, each person is important and essential within a group. As a means of awakening this awareness, at the end of the game, the educator can gather the class and start a discussion on the subject.
To perform, you need to have some balloons already inflated, an average of one for every five students. At the teacher's signal, the students will start throwing the balloons in the air, without letting any of them fall to the ground.
After some time, the teacher removes one student from the game at a time, until there are no children left to keep all the balloons in the air.
2 – Node dynamics
The activity is also able to awaken the sense of team, in addition to stimulating logical reasoning. The goal, at the end of the game, is to untie a knot made with people.
In a place that is not too big, so as not to hinder the formation of the knot, everyone should stand in circles, holding hands with colleagues. A fundamental part is that everyone knows exactly who is next to them, so they can say out loud, Pedro is on my right, Diogo is on my left.
Having said that, the teacher gives a sound signal for everyone to start walking. To liven up the game, you can use some music. At the sound of a new signal, everyone must stop exactly where they are.
Without leaving that position, they should join hands with the same colleagues at the beginning of the circle, both the colleague on the right and the one on the left, thus forming the knot of people. The purpose now is to return the circle to its original position without anyone letting go of their hands.
The games and dynamics carried out on the first day of class are extremely relevant. But more than that, it's important to create a welcoming environment where children feel safe and confident to be who they are.
Each human being has unique characteristics, which are manifested from childhood. The activities on the first day can even point out which students are the shyest, the most insecure or even the most communicative.
It is an excellent opportunity to encourage them to overcome difficulties, precisely because they will spend most of the next few years in a classroom. Thus, the school must be a place of complete well-being.