Arugula is a vegetable from the Mediterranean region. Due to its characteristic, slightly spicy flavor, it is often used in salads, pies and pizzas. It has numerous health benefits and can be grown at home. So know now how to grow arugula in a pot!
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Arugula has a quick and short development cycle. It is a leafy and herbaceous vegetable, with leaves that measure between 10 cm and 15 cm in height, and usually has a dark green color.
This vegetable is a great source of minerals like phosphorus and calcium, important for bone health. It is also rich in vitamin K, which helps control blood clotting.
In addition, it contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that improve the functioning of the immune system. Therefore, its consumption is highly recommended.
Check out the step by step to have arugula in your own garden!
You can grow arugula at home or even in apartments. It is worth remembering that this vegetable is not very demanding in care, but requires a cool and well-ventilated room.
Choose a pot that has holes in the bottom for better soil drainage. If this is not possible, you can pierce it yourself with a knife. Use fertile land and add organic fertilizer, such as eggshells or vegetable shells.
Arugula seeds should not be planted in periods of extreme temperatures. Thus, the ideal is for planting to be done in spring or autumn.
Dig small holes in the earth and place two seeds in each one. Then cover them with soil. Make sure the seeds are about 6.5mm below the soil surface.
Keep the vase exposed to the sun. Arugula requires good sunlight. Therefore, if you are going to grow it at home or in an apartment, place the vase in a place where it has sun for at least a few hours of the day.
After about a week, the first shoots should appear. You should remove a few seedlings in order to provide adequate space for the arugula to develop. Shoots should be at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other.
Water the plant daily, however, always pay attention to the soil, as it should not be soaked. Ideally, the earth is just damp. Therefore, in colder periods, you will find that it may not be necessary to water every day.