Teachers ask questions and help students find answers. However, learning is not just about finding the right answer, it is also about creating the path that leads to the answer. Learning from each step is the true sign of progress.
Memories fade with time and lessons are forgotten, but experiences shape a human being and leave a lasting mark. Teachers are privileged to guide the first experiences and discoveries of countless people.
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Youth and Adult Education (EJA) is once again a federal priority
Teacher performance is a key factor for the full inclusion of students…
In the face of students' disrespect, misbehavior, and lack of enthusiasm, teachers are the believers. They see the light at the end of the tunnel and lead step by step – truly the greatest act of optimism.
The following 15 quotes are for the everyday heroes in the classroom who make a difference in the lives of millions of people every day. Check out:
“I cannot teach anyone anything; I can only make them think. – Socrates”
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. –Benjamin Franklin”
“Teaching is the greatest act of optimism. –Colleen Wilcox
“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; If you're planning for a decade, plant trees; If you're planning for life, educate people. - Chinese proverb"
“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. – John Dewey
“What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to a human soul. –Joseph Addison
“Teaching is the only profession that creates all other professions. - unknown"
“Education builds confidence. Trust breeds hope. Hope breeds peace. – Confucius”
“If someone is going the wrong way, they don't need motivation to speed it up. What he needs is education to transform him. —Jim Rohn
“The dream starts, most of the time, with a teacher who believes in you, who pulls, pushes and takes you to the next level, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called truth. – Dan Rather”
“The art of teaching is the art of aiding discovery. – Mark Van Doren
“What the teacher is is more important than what he teaches. –Karl Meninger”
“Every child deserves a champion – an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they become the best they can be. – Rita Pierson
“The mediocre teacher counts. The good teacher explains. The senior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. – William A. Ward
“Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great master. – Japanese proverb