The week began for cariocas with a new incentive for reading and access to culture. The State Department of Culture of the state of Rio de Janeiro will carry out 110 literary projects with awards throughout the state. In all, the investment will be R$ 5.5 million for the socio-cultural project 'Literatura Resiste', with registration starting from this last Monday (20).
If you have a social project involving literature, know that this is the time to win the biggest investment! The ‘Literatura Resiste’, organized by the State Department of Culture, is an investment for sociocultural projects in the state. In all, three categories will be awarded with the investment.
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The Literature Resiste project will have three distinct categories, with prizes reaching the value of R$ 50,000.
In the first stage, 50 literary projects will be awarded: workshops, storytelling projects regardless of the type (theatrical or textual), the value will be destined for these initiatives to have continuity.
The second category will encourage another 20 projects to create literary fairs. Literary social projects is something that encourages access to reading and literature in poorer places, and literary fairs bring this new perspective to those who do not have access.
The last category will encourage 40 community library projects in the state of Rio de Janeiro. “Community libraries are a very important arm. Especially in places where the State is unable to reach, the community library is there, dialoguing with 300, 400, 500 children, young people and adults," said Yke Leon, superintendent of Reading and Knowledge at the State Secretariat for Culture.
As of this date, at 6 pm, until April 10, candidates who have literary projects in the state of Rio de Janeiro will be able to enroll in the Department of Culture website.
78 prizes will be distributed in the total amount of R$ 5.5 million. The public notice “Literatura Resiste RJ” is receiving registrations from legal entities that work in the cultural area, divided into three categories:
The registration of Individual Microentrepreneurs (MEI) is allowed in the first two categories, while in the third category the proponent must represent a proven network of at least three libraries communities.
Category A
In Category A of the “Literatura Resiste RJ” notice, proposals for existing literary projects will be accepted that have a consolidated and proven history of activities carried out for at least two years consecutive. Proposals must include face-to-face actions aimed at expanding access to cultural assets and disseminate literary knowledge, such as stories, workshops, competitions, soirées and publication of books or ebooks.
50 vacancies will be offered with prizes of R$ 50 thousand each, totaling R$ 2.5 million in investments.
Category B
To enroll in category B of the “Literatura Resiste RJ” public notice, the project must aim to promote the reading, writing and oral expression through face-to-face activities such as lectures, exhibitions, workshops and courses. The proposal must value the book as a cultural product and provide immersive experiences for the local public. The literary fair must be held in Rio de Janeiro and take into account the profile of the local population, as well as the characteristics of the location where it will be held.
20 vacancies will be offered with prizes of R$ 50 thousand each, totaling R$ 1 million in investments.
Category C
In category C of the notice “Literatura Resiste RJ”, cultural proposals sent by proponents representing community library networks will be accepted. Projects should aim to promote access to reading, writing and oral expression, especially among less assisted sections of the population, through educational and cultural actions, such as workshops, courses and lectures. Each proposal must include at least three libraries demonstrably belonging to the network represented by the proponent, and the activities must be carried out within 120 consecutive days.
8 vacancies will be offered with a prize of BRL 200,000 for each network of community libraries, totaling a value of BRL 2 million available for the category.