Organizing personal finances is always a big challenge. Although the majority of Brazilians declare themselves careful with the money they receive, only a small part have financial applications or are really committed to planning their monthly earnings or annual.
According to statistical data obtained through a survey by Exame Magazine in partnership with the Ipsos Institute in 2011, about 90% of households have no budget control and 3 out of every 10 reais they earn goes directly to paying debts consumption. Faced with this worrying scenario, there is no money left to be invested in other things, such as financial products or education. When left over, people don't know how to apply it.
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With the purpose of solving these difficulties in a specific context, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) launches a free online course on: How to plan for retirement. Its objective is to help people, together with their families, to organize themselves in the best way to live well the period outside the formal field of work.
The course will be taught by professor-author Fabio Gallo Garcia. He holds a PhD in Finance from EAESP-FGV and a PhD in Philosophy from PUC-SP, institutions where he teaches Finance. Directs its efforts to the study of corporate finance and behavioral finance, through works with research in the area of Signaling Theory, in which he explores Information Asymmetry in the Capital Market.
In addition, it also develops topics in Banking, Cost Administration and Personal Finance. He has carried out valuation, consultancy and training work for companies such as Emae, Banco Santander, Citibank, Banco Real and Banco Alfa. Currently, he is also managing partner of Sinalização e Arte, Comunicação Visual – All Signs- and a columnist for the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo, having as main contributions in the area of Finance his co-authorship of the Personal Finance series by Publicolha and the book Securitização no Brazil.
To participate in the FGV retirement planning course, it is not necessary to meet prerequisites. Enrollments can be made at any time and classes start immediately, with a workload of 10 hours. If you have any questions, please contact us by phone (21) 3799-4790 and (11) 3799-3290 or by email: [email protected].
Access the retirement planning course here