This math activity contains subtraction problem situations, aimed at fourth or fifth grade students.
It is available for download in ready-to-print PDF, Word template and the activity with the answers.
Science activity for fourth or fifth grade students, this activity talks about what is and what are the causes of the extinction of living beings.
Download this activity in Word (template that can be modified), in PDF (print ready activity) and the activity with the answers.
Text interpretation activity aimed at students in the second or third year of elementary school, the text used for this interpretation is “Domingo no zoo”.
This Portuguese activity is available for download as a Word template, in PDF ready to print and the activity answered.
Math activity it is possible to find exercises of simple and complex sums, to complete the missing portion, to take the real test. These addition activities are aimed at fourth and fifth graders.
You can download this math activity in a print-ready PDF, a Word template that can be changed, and also the activity with the answers.
Science activity, for students in the fourth or fifth year of elementary school, which aims to make students aware of the importance of oral hygiene.
The science activity is available in a modifiable Word template ready for print to PDF, as is the completed activity.
Math activity for fourth or fifth grade students, this activity addresses exercises in writing and reading Roman numerals.
This activity is available for download as a Word template, as a ready-to-print PDF and the activity with answers.
Science activity, for fourth or fifth year students, which aims to make students aware of the importance of hygiene habits.
The science activity is available in a modifiable Word template ready for print to PDF, as is the completed activity.
This math activity contains addition problem situations, aimed at fourth or fifth grade students.
It is available for download in ready-to-print PDF, Word template and the activity with the answers.
Portuguese activity that can be applied to fourth or fifth year students. It contains vowel and consonant cluster exercises.
It is possible to download this Portuguese language activity in a word template that can be modified, in PDF that contains the activity ready for printing and you can also download the activity answered.
Science activity on plants, proposed to fourth or fifth year students.
This science exercise is available for download as a Word template, a ready-to-print PDF and the activity with the answers.