The best way to teach to know the letters is through the mobile alphabet because it makes learning easier.
I don't like this way of alphabetizing, by the sound of the letter, because if they go by the sound of the letter they will understand that the Bell is with “C”. I like the analytical method, the one that starts from the largest, a word, a phrase or story, to the smallest, which is the letter. For example, to work the letter “S” we use the parlenda o toad in the bag. They get stuck more. Sorry but it's just my opinion, if I can give it.
Hello Flavia! I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just giving my contribution! I usually use both methods, analytical and phonic. I always start with a song, story or dynamic involving the worked lyrics. After getting started with music, story or dynamics, video, film, etc..., I encourage the students, for example: I'm going to work the S with the song: O Sapo within the Saco, so I ask: What is the name of the song? They respond and I write or circle the poster.
Here is my contribution! I hope I can help someone! Kisses!