Some experts claim that cut the hair on the supermoon it can make the strands grow longer. Let's see how this discovery was made and if it really has an effect.
According to cosmetologist Cris Dios, specialist in hair health: “Although there is no scientific explanation, it is possible to state that our body is affected by light, whether from the Sun or the Moon, which stimulates our metabolism to function”, explains the founder of the Laces and Hair.
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At her service location, the professional chooses to carry out hair treatments following the cycles of nature, mainly the MoonFull.
“This period stimulates the root, favoring the growth and strengthening of the hair. Therefore, when you do a procedure during the full moon, be it a cut or treatment, they grow up to 80% more”, adds Cris.
To confirm the hypothesis that hair would grow faster during the lunar cycle, the Algerian hairdresser based in Paris, Djélani Maachi, carried out some tests.
According to what has been documented, the man would have carried out the experiments in 1985 for confirmation.
The result was that the hairs cut on the first night of the Full Moon grew more than during the rest of the lunar cycle. Including, one of her practices was to keep the salon open during these periods to serve customers.
(Image: publicity)
Bringing research to the reality of supermoon Blue, being the last occurrence of it during this year, Cris Dios explains that the Moon will be 14% closer to Earth and has 30% more luminosity.
According to the specialist, “Therefore, it is also stimulating for hair strengthening and growth, creating an ideal moment for cutting and treatment”, emphasizes the professional.
According to the study carried out by Cris Dios, the Moon influences the tides due to its gravitational force. In this way, it also has a direct impact on our body, which is composed of 70% water.
Therefore, with the effect caused by the planet's natural satellite, hair and other aspects, such as our mood, for example, can be affected by the change.
Therefore, this could be a great time to prepare that cut or change in look and enjoy the benefits of the Full Moon or Supermoon.