activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about the Pantanal. Pantanal Biome is the attraction of the week at the Rio Botanical Garden. Let's know more about this event? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Thematic activities are aimed at all types of audiences
The Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro (JBRJ) starts this Sunday (6) a series of thematic activities on the Pantanal biome. According to the president of the Botanical Garden, Ana Lúcia Santoro, the event runs until next Saturday (12) and has attractions for all types of audiences.
“From children to adults, from the lay public to the most specialized, we have activities for everyone, from those conducted by education, with young people, from in a more playful way, to the dissemination of information and images of scientific expeditions through the Botanical Garden in the Pantanal biome", said Ana Lúcia to Agência Brazil.
The Pantanal is considered one of the largest continuous wetlands on the planet. The vegetation of the biome forms a mosaic composed of forests, cerrados and savannas. Among the plant formations, the carandá palm, the buriti palm and the paratudo, which is a type of ipê, stand out.
According to Ana Lúcia, in addition to raising awareness and disseminating knowledge of what is known about the biomes in a country like Brazil, of mainland, the cycle of weeks of the biomes aims to give the visitor, and society in general, access to the work of the Botanical Garden, which takes place in national scope.
The expeditions carried out by the JBRJ show different periods and works carried out “so that people, from far away, have the pleasure of being there and getting to know this biome”. Even the JBRJ restaurant, the Green Garden, "embarks" on the idea and will offer this Sunday (6) and Saturday (12) special dishes typical of the region, informed Ana Lúcia. at the store souvenirs, installed in the Visitor Center, products from the Brazilian Biomas Collection – Pantanal will be on sale.
Alana Gandra.
Available in:. Published on: November 06, 2022. (With cut).
Question 1 – In the passage “According to the president of the Botanical Garden, Ana Lúcia Santoro, the event will last until next Saturday (12) […]”, which event does the text refer to?
Question 2 – The excerpt “From children to adults, from the lay public to the most specialized, we have activities for everyone […]” works like this:
( ) an appeal.
( ) an invitation.
( ) an advice.
Question 3 – Read back:
“The vegetation of the biome forms a mosaic composed of forests, cerrados and savannas.”
This segment is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
Question 4 – The text mentions the plant formations that stand out in the Pantanal, among them is “a type of ipê”. Identify it:
( ) the paratudo.
( ) the buriti palm.
( ) the carandá palm tree.
Question 5 – In the fragment “[…] ‘so that people from far away have the pleasure of being there It is get to know this biome’.”, the underlined term indicates:
( ) sum.
( ) contrast.
( ) alternation.
Question 6 – In “[…] it will offer this Sunday (6) and Saturday (12) special dishes typical of the region [...]”, the verbal expression expresses a future fact. Therefore, it is equivalent to the verb:
( ) offers.
( ) offered.
( ) will offer.
Question 7 – The quotation marks indicate in the text:
( ) quotes.
( ) opinions.
( ) the main information.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.