Among the many meditation techniques developed over time, some are especially effective for dispelling anxiety attacks. anxiety and the pressure of everyday life.
Lodro Rinzler, a recognized spiritual leader, recommended two practically infallible meditation techniques for those who want to ward off anxiety whenever necessary. Check out the topics below!
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The number one technique for controlling anxiety and achieving tranquility in the midst of chaos is called full breathing.
To practice it, you just need to sit comfortably in a quiet, well-ventilated place. Then, just inhale and breathe in a measured and unhurried manner.
The secret of this technique is to contemplate your breathing, “feeling” the flow of air that enters and then leaves the lungs.
If performed correctly, this ancient practice, used by Buddhists for millennia, is capable of clarifying the mind and relaxing the body.
(Image: disclosure)
The second ancient technique indicated by Lodro Rinzler is, in fact, a set of techniques.
The practice called total contemplation involves a step by step process in which the person becomes aware of themselves. It works like this:
If you have a cell phone or any other device in your hand, put it aside for a moment.
Then, lie down or sit for a few moments and begin to organize your thoughts, literally planning your next steps. Meanwhile, breathe evenly and maintain control.
With your breathing controlled, start asking questions like “why am I grateful?” or “what makes me happy?”.
Finally, get up, walk a little and try to feel your own body, becoming aware of its matter.
At the end of this process, it is expected that a certain amount of peace will have taken over your being!
Although techniques such as those mentioned above are a “help in the wheel” for many anxious people, not everything in life is exactly as we want.
In this sense, even putting everything into practice as it should be, you may not achieve the peace you so desire at first.
However, even if the results do not appear immediately, remain firm in your intention to control anxiety through meditation.
Therefore, it is necessary to include these practices in your daily habits so that you can become familiar with the proposed techniques.
Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of working professionally as a Web Content Writer, writing articles in several different niches and formats.