To the temperatures have already exceeded 40 °C in some cities in Ceará, Piauí and Mato Grosso do Sul. The forecast is that temperatures will gradually increase by the end of the week. On Sunday (12), the heat will be present in more Brazilian cities, mainly in the interior of São Paulo, Triângulo Mineiro, Goiás, Tocantins, Espírito Santo, Bahia and the extreme north of Paraná. The expectation is that thermometers will exceed 40 °C.
See too: It turned into a desert! New heat wave will make thermometers reach 47 °C
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Next week, the heat will be even greater. Thus, the highest temperatures will be recorded after the holiday on November 15th, between the 16th and 17th. “Temperatures between 40 °C and 43 °C in many regions of Brazil, with a peak between 44 °C and 45 °C in points of Mato Grosso do Sul and northwest of São Paulo”, stated the climate bulletin released by Climatempo.
Climatempo indicates that record temperatures are expected to be recorded for the month of November and even for the other months in several capitals. Furthermore, another point is the scope and duration of the heat wave, since it is still not possible to know exactly the day it ends.
This Friday (10), the city of São Paulo will have a brief reduction in heat due to a cold front coming from the South region. However, the weekend will end with temperatures above 30°C. “Numerical weather forecast models have estimated temperature values of around 37°C for this Sunday, November 12th”, informs the bulletin.
While most of the country suffers from dry weather and high temperatures, a cyclone hits the south of Brazil. This Friday (10), the forecast indicates thunderstorms rain throughout the region, with moderate to strong intensity. In eastern Paraná and Santa Catarina, the rain will occur in a more isolated manner.
On Saturday (11), the formation of a cold front in conjunction with the cyclone will intensify instability in the southern states. According to Climatempo, the cyclone is not as strong as the last ones to hit the region, but it can arrive at any time of the day. The conditions are expected “especially in Campanha Gaúcha and on the south coast of the state of Rio Grande do Sul”.