The new heat wave which will hit Brazil next week is “not normal”. This is what MetSul experts assured in a statement sent to the press. “[High temperatures] should worry all Brazilians”, it reads. According to the agency, it is unusual for “the month to end with temperatures 2ºC to 6ºC above average in almost half of the country”.
The forecast is that, in the next few days, thermometers will reach 45ºC in some cities in Brazil. Not to mention that, according to MetSul, last month was the hottest October here since 1961. This worries experts, because heat affects our entire experience.
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Climate map in Brazil is leaving scientists around the world…
“Temperatures so far outside the historical curve for long periods have harmful effects on human health, flora and fauna, and also on the economy, especially agriculture”, says the statement.
The phenomenon does not just happen here in Brazil. Climate Central carried out a survey, the result of which was:
A report of recent temperature changes showed that the global average warming was more than 1.3ºC. However, the worst is yet to come.
According to Climate Central, the effects will only begin to be felt next year.
Still according to experts, human hands had a major impact on climate impacts. “We are at level 3 or higher. This indicates that human-caused climate change makes high temperatures at least three times more likely”, they point out.
Therefore, before the situation gets even worse, they recommend reducing carbon pollution as quickly as possible. This will “stop the trend of heating“.
Graduated in Social Communication from the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.