A FGTS review It can generate extra money in the worker's account linked to the fund managed by Caixa. The trial was resumed this Thursday (9) by the STF, after being suspended due to a request for review made by minister Cristiano Zanin. Currently, the FGTS balance is corrected at 3% per year plus the Reference Rate (TR).
See too: Caixa launches new way to withdraw FGTS – see what it will be like now!
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The desire of ADI (Direct Action of Unconstitutionality) 5,090 is to change the fund's income. Thus, the TR will be considered unconstitutional, leaving room for an inflation index, which could be the IPCA-E (Broad – Special National Consumer Price Index) or INPC (National Consumer Price Index) Consumer).
At the beginning of the discussion, in April this year, the reporting minister Luís Roberto Barroso, argued that the FGTS should have, at least, the remuneration of savings, currently established at 6.17% plus TR. This Thursday, the minister changed his vote. With his new decision, Barroso defined that the correction of the book will only occur from 2025, not from the date of publication of the trial minutes.
Since 2017, the FGTS has paid the profit that the fund collects throughout the year, increasing workers' earnings. Most of the time, workers earned above inflation from the distribution of profits. Next year, Caixa will be obliged to share 100% of its profits with the fund, further increasing workers' profitability.
In 2023, Caixa distributed 99% of its profit, depositing a total of R$12.719 billion in FGTS accounts. All workers who have active and inactive FGTS accounts, which had a balance on December 31, 2022, are entitled to the Fund's profits. In total, 217 million accounts received the amounts transferred.
According to calculations carried out by Rafael Haddad, financial planner at C6 Bank, it is possible to get close to the gains that workers can have if the change in income is approved. The calculations take into account FGTS balances between R$5,000 and R$500,000. The values were compared to the current correction with the savings, in one year, two years and five years.
The calculations made by Andrew Storfer, director of economics and member of the board of directors of Anefac (Association of Finance Executives) show that the profit distribution carried out since 2017 reduces the losses of workers.
Therefore, in 2022, anyone who had a balance of R$5,000 in the fund had a balance of R$5,354.50 at the end of the year. If the FGTS had corrected the savings, the final serial balance of R$5,357.05, a difference of R$2.55.