With the month of October full of astronomical movements and astrological majors coming to an end, many zodiac fans are wondering what November will be like.
The answer to this question is quite simple, since the passage of eclipses last month gave rise to a scenario in which Venus enters Libra.
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You are emotionally strong if you have any of these 7 traits…
This means that a time of conformity and peace, conducive to reunions and reconciliations, is coming.
This logic is even stronger when it comes to romantic relationships, since Venus is known as the “planet of love”.
According to experienced astrologers, squares like the current one favor the relationships of four specific signs. Find out what they are below!
(Image: disclosure)
If you are an Aries, you may be in a turbulent time regarding your romantic life. Either way, the month ahead can bring the breath of fresh air that your heart so desperately needs.
In this new monthly period, your self-confidence will be reinforced and you will be encouraged to do what is right, with who is right.
However, do not delegate a responsibility that is yours to the stars. Create more space for love with specific attitudes. If you're already in a relationship, become a better listener. If you are single, be more open to approaching new people.
In your case, Cancer, the search is for peace. Between us, it's been a while since you've been praying to God for a more peaceful relationship, right? Celebrate, because that time seems to have finally arrived.
In November, a time of stability is coming, which could be ideal for you to find the emotionally firm person you are looking for. So pay attention to your surroundings!
If your anxiety is related to the unstable behavior of someone you already have a relationship with, the transit of Venus in Libra will allow you to talk openly with your partner about those personality traits that make you feel bother.
You've been changing throughout 2023, haven't you, Pisces? However, this change is restricted to the way you live and see romantic relationships. Its essence remains the same.
On the one hand, those who are Pisces are more open to love. On the other hand, these people have become more analytical and wait for “the right person” in a specific way.
In November, accept that the love flow in a healthy and assertive way for you. This period is ideal for becoming even more intimate with your partner, if you already have one, or for getting to know a new person better. Put your love knowledge into action!
Geminis have been emotionally healed over the last few months. Now, in November, it looks like this healing will show what it came for: preparing space for a new relationship.
However, all those represented by Gemini are human, and humans are flawed. Therefore, when trying to jump into a new relationship, bad memories of past relationships can come to the surface with intensity.
If this happens to you, try to face your fears and traumas, as this is the only way to overcome them. Don't let the happiness of meeting a new person be spoiled by memories of a painful past!
Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of working professionally as a Web Content Writer, writing articles in several different niches and formats.