Some signs will experience a new romance in the first half of November! This week is on fire and promises to be anything but monotonous. With the New Moon in Scorpio, the Sun aspecting Uranus, and an astral chat between Mercury and Venus, it is possible to say that the love It's in the air!
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Furthermore, Mars and Neptune will also influence new relationships here on Earth. Check if the sign is on the list of favored ones! It is also worth checking the moon sign and ascendant.
First on the list, Scorpio! This New Moon in your sign is bringing a tsunami of emotions. In other words, it's time to expect the unexpected in love, with twists worthy of a soap opera. So, get ready for overwhelming passions or a revolution in your current relationship. Anyway, if there's anything guaranteed, it's that it's going to be intense. Scorpio, the stage is all yours!
Following the list, we have Taurus. Taurus, you know that love story you never imagined? Well, she might knock on your door this week. Therefore, with the Sun and Uranus causing a stir, the comfortable Taurus will come across romantic opportunities that are outside of their usual itinerary. So, whether it's a new passion or a twist on your current romance, the advice is: let it flow!
And last but not least, Pisces. With Mars and Neptune making a move in the sky, get ready for a romance worthy of Hollywood. In other words, unexpected encounters, deep connections and a lot of spiritual attunement are in your love horoscope. So, if you believe in destiny, this is your time to shine. Pisces, your dream romance is closer than you think!
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