By believing that every obstacle in your path is actually a crucial piece to your highest good, you envision a space of transformation where every dream can become a reality.
The conviction that every redirection, even when the doors are closed, is part of a plan broader sense implies that, regardless of the outcome, you never give off vibrations of defeat or despair.
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Embracing this mindset not only tunes you into the luck divine, but it also means collaborating with the universe to manifest your deepest desires.
Featured day: Friday, December 1st.
With Mercury migrating to Capricorn, opportunities for advancement and promotion come to the fore. Take advantage of this energy to apply for new jobs or prepare proposals for long-awaited ventures.
Featured day: Friday, December 1st.
Under the rulership of Capricorn, explore themes of gender, abundance and expansion on this special astrological day.
With Mercury in Capricorn, open space to discuss future opportunities, such as remote work, digital nomads or the search for new knowledge.
Featured day: Monday, November 27th.
The Full Moon in Gemini illuminates your sign and identity, bringing a moment of reflection on yourself and its implications. Honor your inner truth as you revisit events from June 18th.
Featured day: Monday, November 27th.
Tranquility under the Full Moon in Gemini should be maximized during November 27th.
Feel connected to your dreams as you prepare for the next phase of your life. Record them for future guidance.
Featured day: Friday, December 1st.
Capricorn's energy focuses on dedication and daily routines, setting up an atypical day to establish new standards. As you absorb Mercury's influence, focus on ensuring decisions that lead to success.
Featured day: Monday, November 27th.
The Full Moon in Gemini highlights your professional life and could bear good fruit in the future. Reflect on the seeds planted on June 18th and stay open to new possibilities.
Featured day: Monday, November 27th.
Gemini energy favors luck, abundance, and expansion during your lucky day. To take advantage of this, journal the progress you've made since June 18th. Get ready to focus on this area next year.
Featured day: Friday, December 1st.
Capricorn energy governs communication, so think of your words as creating the desired future. Every conversation and thought plants seeds for your growth.
Featured day: Friday, December 1st.
Regarding self-esteem, you will learn important lessons on December 1st. Pluto has brought transformations over the last thirteen years. Be open to receiving everything you want in life.
Featured day: Monday, November 27th.
The Full Moon in Gemini focuses on your well-being. Prioritize your needs and take a break to ensure you balance your external life, career and success.
Featured day: Friday, December 1st.
Although it is not always perceived as the most intuitive sign, it honors its deep connection with the universe. With Mercury in Capricorn, plan to follow your intuition and make your dreams come true.
Featured day: Friday, December 1st.
Even though you present yourself as an extroverted personality, do not neglect your need for support. Take advantage of the energy of Mercury in Capricorn to expand your social circle and recognize how people certainly positively impact your journey.
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