activity text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of primary school, about the field fox. She draws attention to attentive and curious eyes. Let's get to know this animal better? So, read the text carefully! Then, be sure to answer the various questions proposed!
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The species can be confused with the wild dog and the prawn.
Owner of fur that varies from brownish to gray, the field fox (Lycalopex vetulus) draws attention to the attentive and curious eyes. It is considered the only Brazilian species of canid endemic to the Cerrado, that is, it does not occur anywhere else in the world. It is one of the smallest wild dogs in the country, with an average length of 60 centimeters and weighing between two and four kilos.
Looking from afar, the little fox can easily be confused with the wild dog or the wildcat. To differentiate it from other species, notice the shape of its head, snout and chest, which are narrower and smaller. Like other species of its genus, it has a tail with a blackish tip and a darker base.
It is an omnivorous species, with a diet consisting of termites, beetles, grasshoppers, and, depending on the time of year, it eats wild fruits and small mammals […] The animal can be seen in activity mainly in the late afternoon, when it is most active, and at dawn.
One interesting thing about field foxes is that they are solitary and monogamous. They create reproductive pairs during mating, which remain together during the raising of offspring. Gestation lasts approximately 50 days and each litter gives rise to two to five puppies. Females breastfeed their offspring until they are 4 months old.
Amda. Available in:. Published on: March 23, 2022. (With cutting and adaptation).
Question 1 – Read back:
“It is one of the smallest wild dogs in the country, with an average length of 60 centimeters and weighing between two and four kilos.”
The text refers:
( ) to the field fox.
( ) to the wild dog.
( ) to graxaim-do-campo.
Question 2 – In “To differentiate it from other species, notice the shape of its head, snout and chest, which are narrower and smaller.”, the text:
( ) alert.
( ) guides.
( ) orders.
Question 3 – In the "Like this other species of its genus, has a tail with a blackish tip and a darker base.”, the underlined expression:
( ) introduces a cause.
( ) indicates a condition.
( ) establishes a comparison.
Question 4 – In the passage “[…] depending on the time of year, it eats wild fruits and small mammals […]”, the term “and” indicates:
( ) sum.
( ) opposition.
( ) alternation.
Question 5 – In the segment “The animal can be seen in activity mainly at the end of the afternoon, when it is most active, and at dawn.”, the underlined word has the same meaning as:
( ) “especially”.
( ) “occasionally”.
( ) "specifically".
Question 6 – According to the text, the field fox is more active:
( ) at dawn.
( ) in the evening.
( ) at dawn and late afternoon.
Question 7 – Watch:
“Gestation lasts approximately 50 days and each litter gives rise to two to five puppies.”
This excerpt is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Literature and specialist in distance education.