It is a bird? Is it Superman? No! It's Santos Dumont's plane! Is it possible to fly something heavier than air?
On October 23, 1906, Santos Dumont made his first flight with the 14 Bis, starting aviation. From that date it was possible to fly through the skies of the whole world. And that's why we celebrate Aviator's Day.
So, we've selected some activities for Airman's Day and teachers can play in the classroom with their students.
Below you will know some tips for activities that can be applied in the classroom. Take advantage of each of the tips and make the classes even more fun.
Aviator's Day is celebrated on October 23, as a celebration of the first flight of 14-Bis, from Santos Dumont. The date is the commemoration for all airline pilots, commercial, military and private.
In 2006, by decree of law, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Dumont's first flight, it was the year considered the Santos Dumont National Year.
Along with Aviator Day, the Brazilian Air Force Day is celebrated.
“There is a pilot who is not an aviator.
There is a doctor who is not a doctor.
There are people who don't like airplanes.
But anyone can have that passion.
Aviator, is who loves aviation.
Aviation is passion"
You can enjoy and do some kind of activity with the children using the message.
Gather the kids and challenge them to create the model of the paper plane that flies the longest and also the plane that goes the farthest. Children can use different types of paper, use different models of airplanes.
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