Activities with the primary colors are important so that they learn about the other colors.
The primary colors are: red, yellow and blue. They are called that because they are considered the first colors, that is, they cannot be obtained by mixing any color.
Develop together with the students a beautiful poster visualizing the primary, secondary and tertiary, make the student understand the result of the mixtures in the concrete way, because learning is even an art.
It is important to identify and name the primary colors. Select objects by sorting colors. Develop logical reasoning, oral expression, motor coordination, auditory and visual perception of the child. Produce works of art, using the language of painting and construction.
Is important:
Arrange the children in a circle so that everyone can look at each other and interact. Talking about the primary colors and some secondary ones and about the shapes;
Display color photos, noting the diversity of colors and highlighting their shapes. Ask each one's favorite color, working with the playful;
Browse magazines and see what catches their attention.
We must create conditions for children to know the colors and shapes that are present in the environment in which they live.
At this stage, it is important to provide the child with visualization, exploration, contact and handling of various objects that make up the universe of colors and shapes, enabling identification.
Freely paint, using only the primary colors and name them. Guess the color of a hidden object; make necklaces with straws and crepe paper necklaces with the first colors; color with the indicated colors; paint the circle with the indicated colors.
Crayon arts always cheer the little ones up;
In early childhood education, toys, games and games are pedagogical tools. In addition to these tools, it is possible to show colored objects that are in the classroom and at school, in general, and make relationships with the colors of the collections (colored pencils and/or crayons) that they use, as well as comparing the colors with elements of nature, such as the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars, clouds, trees, fruits, rivers or seas, birds etc.
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