History activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, with questions developed about modernism.
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1) The only alternative that presents personalities and/or works of the modernist movement is:
a) Anita Malfatti; Mario de Andrade; The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas
b) Monteiro Lobato; Oswald de Andrade; abaporu
c) Di Cavalcanti; Hector Villa-Lobos; Macunaíma
d) Menotti del Picchia; Euclid da Cunha; the little brunette
e) Tarsila do Amaral; José de Alencar; Slaveship
2) “From the liberation of our spirit, victorious art will emerge. And the first advertisements of our hope are the ones we offer here for your curiosity. It's these extravagant paintings, these absurd sculptures, this crazy music, this airy and disjointed poetry. Wonderful dawn!" With these words, the writer Graça Aranha opened the activities of the Week of Modern Art, held at the Municipal Theater of São Paulo, between February 13th and 17th, 1922. One of the goals of the promoters of this event was:
3) In February 1922, the imposing Municipal Theater of São Paulo was the stage for an event that would change the future path of the arts in Brazil. Under widespread jeers and whistles, a group of young artists and intellectuals spread their new ideas. What were these new ideas about?
a) Expansion of the Symbolist movement in Brazil.
b) Promotion of Parnassianism in Brazil.
c) Reflection on romanticism in Brazil.
d) Inauguration of modernism in Brazil.
e) Implementation of Arcadianism in Brazil.
4) Changes in worldviews brought different aesthetic perspectives that founded the modernist vanguards. Impressionism was important in the construction of these aesthetic conceptions, because:
( ) strengthened traditions from classical culture.
( ) encouraged the artist's creative autonomy.
( ) had, since its inception, a receptive and economically favorable art market.
( ) had the participation of artists who defended a geometric representation of the world.
( ) contributed a new technique to work with shapes and colors.
5) In the 1920s, reactions against the oligarchic structures of the Old Republic were not limited to political-military revolts. Therefore, it would be CORRECT to state that:
a) The contest triggered a strong reaction from the bourgeois class, which led the movement for the Reform of the Cultural and Artistic System.
b) The contest reached the movement led by students, having as stage the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro, in 1922.
c) The contest aroused in the peasant population a revolt against the festivals unleashed by the bourgeoisie during the Week of Modern Art.
d) The contest also reached the cultural field, manifesting itself in the so-called modernist movement, which had its initial landmark in the Week of Modern Art.
e) The contestation revolutionized and exclusively influenced State policies, reflected in Brazil by the violent drop in coffee prices
Per Camila Farias.
At answers are in the link above the header.