Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, addresses the participle verbs. How about studying verbs in this noun form? To do this, answer the questions based on the text about the work. A tickle in cornmeal, flavors of our history. According to whoever wrote the text, it is about a charming book, full of stories told in verse and prose and delicious recipes, simply illustrated by hand.
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A Tico-Tico no Fubá, flavors of our history is a charming book, full of stories told in verse and prose and delicious recipes, simply illustrated by hand. The work portrays Brazilian cuisine divided by periods, discovery, empire, etc… for children, but I doubt that any adult can resist it.
In addition to recipes, the book brings tips, curiosities a little about the history of Brazilian gastronomy, showing the origin of several culinary dishes in our country. An evolutionary cookbook, adapted to the child's development, with 77 sweet and savory recipes, divided by age group
The book features a glossary of culinary terms, a table of measurement equivalences, a fully illustrated kitchenware list, and an excellent bibliography.
Available in:. (With cuts).
Question 1 - There is verb in the participle in the passage:
( ) “[…] full of stories told in verse and prose and delicious recipes […]”
( ) “[…] showing the origin of various dishes in our country's cuisine.”
( ) "The book has a glossary of culinary terms, a table of measurement equivalences [...]"
Question 2 - In the passage marked above, the verb in the participle expresses:
( ) a state
( ) an action
( ) a feature
Question 3 - In the text read, the verb in the participle "divided" has as its referent:
( ) "The work"
( ) “Brazilian cuisine”
( ) "the history of Brazilian gastronomy"
Question 4 – In the excerpt “[…] simply illustrated […]”, the word “singly” modifies the meaning of the verb in the participle “illustrated”, indicating:
( ) mode
( ) time
( ) intensity
Question 5 - Underline the verb in the participle that makes up this segment:
“An evolutionary cookbook, adapted to the child's development, with 77 recipes […]”
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.