History activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, with questions developed about the Germanic kingdoms.
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1) The barbarian invasions in Europe occurred for a long period, causing several important consequences. Check the alternative that does not meet these consequences.
a) The use of faith in Western Europe, established with the conversion of the barbarians to Christianity.
b) The economic ruralization that was predominant in the West, extending throughout the Middle Ages.
c) The disorder caused by the invasions that ended the Roman imperial authority in the West, keeping only that of the Catholic Church.
2) About the civilization of the medieval west it is correct to say:
a) the art of carving stones, the sculpture of the whole body, and the representation of the human figure stood out in medieval art.
b) the rural monastery with its workshops and library had no importance in the medieval west. Many of them even closed.
c) the most important urban centers are those that served as the residence of the new barbarian kings or also those that were headquarters of bishoprics and important organizations.
d) the Carolingian renaissance was a brilliant phenomenon destined to exclusively satisfy the needs of the peasants.
e) the scenario of civilization was brutally changed with the barbarian invasions causing all urban centers in the medieval west to disappear.
3) Read the following statements about the historical period known as the High Age
Average and then tick the correct alternative.
I. Charlemagne was in charge of unifying much of the ancient Roman territory into Europe.
II. Cities continued to be important economic and cultural centers, due in part to the reopening of the Mediterranean Sea by the Crusaders.
III. Christian Europe, fragile due to the decline of the Carolingian Empire, was the victim of several invasions, mainly by the Scandinavian and Saracen peoples.
Which ones are correct?
a) only I
b) only II
c) only I and III
d) only II and III
e) I, II and III
4) The first barbarian invasions caused disturbances to the rule of the Romans, thus starting the period called the High Middle Ages. In this period:
a) Christianity was shaken, being aggressively disrespected by invaders.
b) feudalism gained ground with the collapse of the Western Roman Empire.
c) the political unity of the Romans was preserved, and only the patterns of their social hierarchy were altered.
d) political instability caused decentralizations in the less powerful European kingdoms.
e) the administration of Rome was modified, without, however, meaning the victory of the invaders.
5) The end of the Western Roman Empire was consummated with the conquest of the city of Rome by the Germans. From the conquered lands, several kingdoms were created. About these realms it is correct to say that
a) even though they were multiple, they had political and administrative centralization commanded by Meroveu.
b) an agreement for political and military aid joined the kingdoms of the Visigoths and the Vandals, thus creating a new kingdom called the kingdom of the Ostrogoths.
c) were independent from each other, with the Anglo-Saxons, Visigoths, Swabians, Vandals, Ostrogoths and Franks standing out.
d) the dependence of the Frankish kingdom on the Anglo-Saxon kingdom resulted in the creation of several cities.
Per Camila Farias.
At answers are in the link above the header.