Portuguese language activity, aimed at third-year high school students, with questions about conducting.
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1) Mark the alternative in which the regency of the highlighted verb is not in accordance with the norms of written cultured language.
a) By aspire tear gas, soon began to cough.
b) In the World Cups, Brazilians aspire just the title, nothing else.
c) Few people watch the leap from one millennium to another.
d) In democracies, watch to the people the right and the duty to choose their rulers.
e) In electoral debates, several advisors watch the candidate with data and suggestions.
2) Check the alternative in which the regency of the highlighted verb is in disagreement with the written cultured norm:
a) Racist demonstrations on football fields are not pleased to the general public.
b) Every animal pleases your offspring with gestures or with your voice.
c) The spokesperson thanked to the people on behalf of the president.
d) The birthday boy thanked the greetings received.
e) Any and all exaggeration does not pleases nobody.
3) Check the alternative that contains the meaning of the verb highlighted in each sentence, according to the following code:
(a) Entertaining;
(b) Ask to come, summon;
(c) Name
( ) called the Fire Department promptly.
( ) call the Brazilian for improviser.
( ) The government answered the ambassador in the palace.
4) Note the following statement:
In the middle of the pawn party, the animator called the tamer a donkey.
Taking into account the regency of the verb Call, it is possible to give two different meanings to the passage called the donkey tamer. What are these two senses?
5) Mark the alternative in which the regency of the highlighted verb is not in accordance with the written cultured norm:
a) The lowered aimed passports without delay.
b) There are rulers who aim success at any cost.
c) please always the best; want more to critics than to sycophants.
d) pay taxes, in honest government, is to contribute to social welfare.
e) The government decided to forgive debtors with back taxes, as long as they start paying current taxes on time.
Per Camila Farias.
At answers are in the link above the header.