Portuguese activity, suitable for students in the seventh year of elementary school, addresses the paroxytone words. When does a word qualify that way? When the stressed syllable (the one pronounced with the most force) is the penultimate syllable! Let's analyze the paroxytones in the text endangered fish? So, answer the questions proposed below!
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Fish feel the effect of water pollution very quickly – after all, this is the environment of these animals, which, to be healthy, must always be well oxygenated and free from impurities. The main pollutants that take oxygen from the water are domestic and industrial sewage, like the cooking oil we pour down the sink.
“Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 259. Available in: .
Question 1 - Identify the passage where the highlighted term is paroxytone:
( ) “The fish feel the effect of water pollution very fast […]”
( ) “[…] this is the environment of these animals, which, to be healthy […]”
( ) “[…] are sewers household and industrial […]”
Question 2 - In the passage identified above, the term paroxytone is:
( ) an adjective.
( ) an adverb.
( ) a noun.
Question 3 - In the segment "The main pollutants that remove the oxygen […]”, the underlined paroxytone word is accented because:
( ) ends in “o”.
( ) ends in a vowel.
( ) ends in diphthong.
Question 4 – Point out the word that is accented by the same ratio as "oxygen":
( ) “é”.
( ) "Water".
( ) "oil".
Question 5 - Do the words mentioned in the question above and “oxygen” belong to the same class of words? Explain:
Question 6 – Mark the stressed syllable of a paroxytone word:
( ) the last syllable.
( ) the penultimate syllable.
( ) the third to last syllable.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.