Text interpretation activity, which tells the story of Narcissus, and is aimed at fourth-year students.
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Greek mythology
Long ago, in the forest, Narcissus, the son of the sacred river Kiphissos, walked. He was beautiful, but he had a cold and selfish way of being. He was very convinced of his beauty and knew that there was no one in the world more beautiful than him.
Vain, he told everyone that his heart would never be hurt by the arrows of Eros, son of Aphrodite, because he did not fall in love with anyone.
Things went like this until the day the nymph Echo saw him and immediately fell in love with him.
She was beautiful, but she didn't speak; the most she could do was repeat the last syllables of the words she heard.
Narcissus, pretending not to understand, asked:
– Who is hiding here next to me?
–… from me – repeated the frightened nymph.
– Come on, show up! - He ordered. - I want to see you!
-… see you! – repeated the same voice in a cheerful tone.
So Eco approached the boy. But neither the beauty nor the mysterious glow in the nymph's eyes could soften Narcissus' heart.
– Get out! – He suddenly yelled. - Do you think I was born to be one of your species? You fool!
– Fool! repeated Eco, running away from shame.
The goddess of love couldn't let Narcissus go unpunished after doing such a thing. He therefore resolved that he should be punished for the wrong he had done.
One day, when he was walking through the forest, Narcissus felt thirsty and wanted to drink water.
As he bent over a lake, he saw his own face reflected in the water. It was at that moment that Eros shot an arrow straight into his heart.
Unaware that the reflection was of his own face, Narcissus immediately fell in love with the image.
When he bent down to kiss her, his lips touched the water and the image faded. With each new attempt, Narcissus grew more and more disappointed and refused to leave the pond. He spent days and days without eating or drinking, getting weaker and weaker.
So he ended up dying right there, his pale face turned towards the still waters of the lake.
That was the punishment of the beautiful Narcissus, whose destiny it was to love himself.
Eco lay crying beside his body, until the night enveloped her. Upon awakening, Eco saw that Narcissus was no longer there, but in its place was a beautiful fragrant flower. Today, she is known by the name of “narcissus”, the night flower.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) Who is the main character?
3) What are the characters in the text?
4) What was Narcissus' personality like?
5) Whose was Narcissus' son?
6) Why did Narcissus believe that he would never be arrowed by Eros? In your opinion what arrows were these?
7) Who fell in love with Narcissus? Name some characteristics of this nymph.
8) What was Narcissus' reaction when he met the nymph?
9) What punishment did Narcissus receive for his attitude towards the nymph?
10) Which flower did Narcissus become?
At answers are in the link above the header.