Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, explores the prepositions. How about analyzing them in the text How does food digestion work? So, answer the proposed questions! See one of them: In the segment “[…] and taken to the body by the blood.”, does the preposition “to” express the idea of origin, destiny or purpose? Let's go to the challenge?
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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Digestion is the process of breaking food into small pieces and starting in your mouth, from the moment ______ you chew what you've eaten (that's why it's important to chew well!). The food then passes through the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. In this way, organs and glands release acids that break the food into even smaller pieces, allowing nutrients to be absorbed by the cells in the organ walls and carried into the body by blood. Finally, there are leftovers, which are not used by the body and turn into poop. The entire digestion of a lunch, for example, can take from 20 hours to a few days!
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question 1 – Identify the passage where the “a” is a preposition:
( ) “How does food digestion work?”
( ) “Then the food passes through the stomach […]”
( ) “[…] it can take from 20 hours to a few days!”
Question 2 - Check the alternative in which the preposition correctly filled in the space indicated in the text:
( ) “[…] from the moment you chew […]”
( ) “[…] from the moment you chew […]”
( ) “[…] from the moment you chew […]”
Question 3 - The highlighted phrase plays the role of preposition in the sentence:
( ) “[…] é that is why that it is important to chew well […]"
( ) “Lastly, there are leftovers […]"
( ) “The entire digestion of a lunch, for example, it may take […]”
Question 4 – In the segment “[…] and taken to the body by the blood.”, the preposition “to” expresses the idea of:
( ) origin
( ) destiny
( ) goal
Question 5 - In the excerpt “[…] that break the food into little pieces […]”, the preposition is:
( ) "what"
( ) "O"
( ) "in"
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.