Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, aims to study the connecting verb. Do you know when a verb is a linking verb? No? So, be sure to answer the proposed questions based on the text. Urban landscape.
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It's five o'clock in the morning and the fine drizzle is white as milk, cold as ice. […]
The machine appears around the corner and comes slow, low, strong, big, huge. A white man, a mulatto woman, the fat and the thin one, two crazy boys get down to the machine. Arrival of some, departure of others. Amid a harsh smell of smoke and diesel oil, the Other Man enters the train.
A man continues a post. Hard. Concrete. And it's only when a girl comes down the steps of the carriage carrying a suitcase, her hair tied back with ribbon and a searching look, that the pole man gives a start. The eyes meet. The train goes and the eyes come. The world is like that… Another Man is gone. A Man is happy.
FERNANDES, Maria; HAILER, Marco Antônio. New Alp: “Analysis, Language and Thought”. V. 4. São Paulo: FTD, 2000. P. 152. (Fragment).
Question 1 - The underlined verb is a link in:
( ) “They are five o'clock in the morning and the fine drizzle falls as white as milk […]"
( ) "The machine pops up around the curve and it comes slow […]"
( ) "A man it is happy."
Question 2 - The linking verb, identified in the question above, indicates a status:
( ) a state of the subject.
( ) an attribute of the subject.
( ) an action of the subject.
Question 3 - In the sentence “The world is like this…”, the connecting verb “is” translates:
( ) an apparent aspect.
( ) a permanent appearance.
( ) a transitory aspect.
Question 4 – In the context of the sentence above, "thus" works syntactically as:
( ) predicative of the subject.
( ) adverbial adjunct.
( ) adnominal deputy.
Question 5 - The verb "walk" is linked in:
( ) The man walks in a hurry.
( ) The man walks towards the train.
( ) The man is happy.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.