ACTIVITIES ABOUT GEOGRAPHY FOR THE 3rd 4th 5th YEARS, EXERCISES ( IMAGES ) TO PRINT. Brazilian regions Hydrography - Brazilian coastline-rivers-lagos-lagoas Hydroelectric power plant - Amazonas River Basin - Tocantins Basin. São Francisco River Basin...
I prepared this evaluation simulation with the objective of approaching the axes and capabilities, proposed by the SEE of Minas Gerais and we need to give our message and make the history of education in Minas Gerais General. You can copy, but be sure to give credit. Be a conscientious teacher!
Portuguese activities are essential for the development and knowledge of children. Therefore, teachers need to bet on different forms of teaching. Below we have selected some activities on nouns for the 3 4 5 6 year. Teachers can take advantage of the tips and apply each one in the classroom as well as homework. Enjoy! Activities about...
Science test for the third year. Some questions about water, nature, pollution of the planet, among others... hope you like it =D